
+1 Mandarin

It's interfering with the runner. Why don't they just enforce it at home like every other base, and award the base to the runner when it happens?

I'm in late, but this was perfect and I LOLd.

Okay, so it can believe things for me, thus saving me the increasingly onerous task of believing all the things the world expects me to believe.

Last I heard, she's still reading it.

Has anyone checked for tachyon-based messages?

Luke could be the fob on the pull chain to turn the lamp on.

Then you run away, which is exactly what should happen.

And they could call it "Wishbone!" No, that's silly. No one would watch a show about books hosted by a Star Trek actor.

He's like a poor man's Nic Cage.

@Lassus: He's still recovering after that mis-hap on Broadway.

@phoenix6666: Except now that title belongs to Black Panther, and he's front and center, so there you go.

@Pope John Peeps II: Not his Narnia books, but he did write quite a bit of Christian apologia, and had his lectures and broadcasts on the subject collected as writings.

2010, the year Gizmodo blinded its readership.

Posts like this burn me up. io9 will try to heat up their pageviews by publishing every inflamatory story they find. If they keep it up, this site's destined to go down in a blaze of glory.

Those Chinese really will steal any technology they can.

These pictures and vids keep coming out. This thing is going to become some sort of internet legend - "it's so bad it's oh-my-god-it's-horrible" - and fester into a cult classic that never was, until some fan gets a hold of the suit and concepts, or recreates them, and makes the god-awfulest, most amazing movie ever

@Angry Robot: You're right. Think back to movie posters from the 50s and 60s. They're all cut and pastes of seemingly random images from the film, treated so they look nothing like the original. I prefer something like that, or the Thor poster, to horrible rom-com posters where they blatantly photoshop stars' heads

So you're telling me hiccupping sucks, then it blows? I knew that.

@Paul Hair: And then when it doesn't work, they'll just blow it up. That's how science works.