
I didn’t know who the director was and I keep mis-reading Tom Hooper as Tobe Hooper and, well, what could’ve been, you know?

So, not just feral hogs, but immigrant feral hogs? This is real, folks.

Peter and friends got blipped, and Brad grew up to their age while they were gone.

In junior high I was made fun of for making that point, so I’m not with you here.

Obviously I meant the Gathering, not the Quickening. Duh.

Actually, this one’s easy. Make the first movie a closed story but not about the Quickening. Our hero is someone who’s either a new immortal or has been running from their fate, and the character arc is them coming into that. Either they only learn of The Quickening after defeating the Big Bad of this story, or they


Should’ve been Heelys, amirite?

Something just occurred to me. Maz’s “union dispute” scene was fun, but when you have a whole movie around a Trade Federation dispute... now I wonder if that wasn’t a gentle nudge at the prequels.

What about some kind of photoluminescent marker? That would actually be pretty cool. Surely someone’s done that.

Doesn’t Ghost Yoda use a cane? I don’t know what that means.

My son’s been looking for this since Season 1.

With twin astromech droids. This thing is top of the line!


Does Orlove have any kids or proteges? I feel like this article of his may need a sequel in 15 years or so.

I’m of the “explore new characters” camp, but I will say this: Using Yoda’s long life as a lens to view centuries of the Republic and its decline would be an interesting concept. Of course, you could also do that with any other long-lived species as well.

Seriously, when I saw the headline I dug in looking for Ear Hustle.

Came to say this and you said it better. I’m sure that Christopher’s tight restraint is a big part of the reason the Tolkien works are still held in such regard and the demand for adaptations so high.