
Picture # 12 from a different angle

@MattyMattMatt: Function over form. I have one of each because some of my work applications are better viewed with more vertical space.

Luthor's behind this...

@Arken: It may be possible. The book summary says that the protagonists are using that extra time to do research.

@Phil Erskine: That would be more impressive if it were made of mashed potatoes.

No big deal, NASA used to churn them out every six months or so.

@cadrina: It has a flavor of "Food of the Gods" by Arthur C. Clarke. In this future, all food is synthetically produced. One brand, Ambrosia Plus, becomes a runaway hit, and its makers have to reveal - before some sort of Congressional committee, it seems - that their product is a perfect substitute for human flesh.

@Lactose_The_Intolerant: That's more or less how WarGames started, and then we got WOPR. Do we want WOPR flying all of our planes?

@sbambasi: I'm sure he was thinking that this is some crazypants stuff, and that's right up his alley, and he's done enough awesome that he can do whatever the wants.

@Ding-Dang: Not a cop. He's a private dick.

@lozerette: Well, I should have read better, but I've now done my research and they do serve bbq. Still hungry.

Nobody gives two doo-doos about Beatles on iTunes, but this article has stayed on the skyline all day. A 77-year-old Asian's surprising rack is doing wonders for pageviews.

That's the last time I order from Pizza Planet, that's for sure.

It would've been even better if she'd said she would spend three days a week with Radcliffe, three with the Grint, and Sundays with Bonnie (forget her name.)

10. we'll take it from there

@Graviton1066: Had this same discussion on about product placement in soaps. It's old school and goes back to radio shows. I like it, if it's integrated. Instead of breaking for another commercial, the characters share a tasty smoke or talk about how good their chips are for a minute or less, and get back