
Jesus Christ, what a bunch of butts. I don’t have kids and I don’t want kids and I don’t really like kids but I do my best to nod along supportively when people talk about their kids or show me pictures or whatever because that is basic human courtesy and also I guess it’s really nice that people love their kids? It’s

I don’t understand the appeal of pink, yellow and brown diamonds. Blue are pretty cool, though.

Yes, it was said on the special last night that she first had Vili as a student in a second grade class of hers; then a few years went by and he was her student again in sixth grade, which is when the sexual relationship began. SIXTH GRADE.

“The reason for me telling them that was just from, out of experience,” Vili said. “A relationship could lead to something that you think you wanted back then. You don’t really want it, maybe, years later.”

Mary is working as a legal assistant but hopes she can return to teaching ... She is still registered as a sex offender, but is trying to get her name removed from the registry.

Because I know that someone in the comments will talk about how dangerous it is to be a police officer, just wanting to come home alive, etc.

It is more dangerous to be employed as a landscaper in America than it is to be employed as police officer. This is a fact that is true and is verifiable.

Real shit. I know that by even leaving this comment I’m contributing to the K madness. Because you record a click as a marketing metric that tells Jez powers that be, that these stories drive traffic. And maybe they do. But in the past three weeks, I swear to goodness EVERY GOTDAMN DAY y’all have a story on these

i feel i look like this on a daily basis.

This advice is terrible!!! Contouring with bronzer runs you the risk of looking orange. If you're going to use a brozer, it must be MATTE and look for a true brown or buff color. Contouring with anything that shimmers will either have the opposite effect or make you look like a show girl. Don't buy a palette to

Contouring is not for every day wear is it? Like do people look crazy walking out the house contoured up?

Girl friend to girl friend... Stop trying to do this countoured thingie. It look good on pictures. But in the real world... It's not so fantastic.

Ummm. Exactly. This is how I still fit into my HS cheerleader outfit. I chase everything with water. And cocaine.

I don’t see how anyone can say this about POCs and not be racist. Like, hot is hot. I don’t think there’s a single race out there where I was like, naw, all billion of you are just not good sorry.

I watch this movie every, single, time it's on. It's like a vortex that pulls me in.

What's Up With Phthalates?

Phthalates are ubiquitous. They are from our plastics, fragrances, medical devices, baby toys, nail polish, product

Holy WOW, I'm going to have to pick some up after those pics. I've tried a few curling mascaras, but they've always had the opposite affect and just re-straighten what I've done with the curler

Holy WOW, I'm going to have to pick some up after those pics. I've tried a few curling mascaras, but they've always

Ha. I just replied up thread with a similar comment to yours about long, straight lashes. This is the only curling mascara that actually keeps a curl in mine.

Ha. I just replied up thread with a similar comment to yours about long, straight lashes. This is the only curling

I’m starting to wish no one had taught the internet the word “blackface.” The whole thing is starting to feel like a two-year-old who’s learned to say “No!” and now says it to any question.

Is she even in blackface? She looks lavender. And even if she was black faced, for the last time, SO WHAT? I took my oldest son trick or treating, and we went as beyonce and jay z. We are also both huge fans, so is someone really going to claim we were being disrespectful? It doesn’t make sense.