
Uh, I think you need to find a better botoxer, someone with a lighter touch, because clearly they’ve overdone it on your lovely face. I’ve been getting botox injections in my forehead 2x year for almost 5 years, and I can still squint, scowl, frown, even furl my brow. In fact, the whole wide range of emotions still

Everyone should do what makes them happy. If having a paralyzed face makes you happy, you do you.

18 years ago, I put on a pair of JNCO jeans and a Smashing Pumpkins t-shirt and went to a punk show at my (rural CT) town’s local teen center. There I saw a boy, told him I was going to flirt with him and did for the rest of the night... and then, on and off (and mostly online) for the next decade or so before we

What's with the insultbrag.

I haaaaaated it. Awful. Pregnancy was very hard for me.

Got fancy for some reason, and threw this together: lamb chops with a red wine-tamarind reduction, served with basil-mint pesto (all these things being invented by me getting all creative/drunk) and miso eggplant tahini toasts

Yep. I’ve yanked my son by the arm when he wanted to run off into traffic after scratching the shit out of my arm, but I didn’t spank or kick him. Because I am sane.

The street is always the example they give to support spanking. I don’t get this. When something like that has happened with my kids, I hold their shoulders, bend/kneel to look at their square in the face, and then do whatever explaining and scolding is needed. Yes sometimes you have to grab little hands, pull kids

Some men seem to have a terrible time with the concept of keeping their dicks in their pants.

Slightly off topic: So I went to the Tamara Mellon website just to look. And I saw the craziest thing I’ve seen in awhile.

It seems like teachers are the targets of these public shaming campaigns more often than other workers. I hear racist crap all the time on my FB feed and no one cares. But if it’s a teacher, all hell breaks loose.

i would just like, punch it

Thanks, but I don’t want to be any kind of Bitch. I’d like to be a decent person; I won’t allow myself to be fucked over, but I won’t run over or screw over anyone else to get what I want/need, either. I’ll pass.

Bobby, I know that’s just 6 pictures of you wearing your own pair of acid-washed jorts (which you probably didn’t even steal!)

Thank you so fucking much! Seriously!

This is one of the best mic drops I’ve ever read.

Setting the bar super low, India.

Look I’m just going to say it, admit it to the universe, cleanse my soul.

While a horrible and sad story (that I already had a chance to process after reading on Gawker last night), I do want to point out that Charles County is not Baltimore. It is more than an hour away.