
I'm from Brazil, and I bought my Nexus 5 ~4 months ago. In the 1st fall, the glass broke (only the glass), display is working perfectly.

I will post this on every article about domestic violence from here until the end of time. If you are experiencing abuse, it is not your fault. If someone you care about is being abused, you cannot fix it for them, but you can be a support and decrease the isolation they are experiencing. From

$80,000?! But he's probably just going to spend it all on penis dildos and lace fronts!

It's a summer suit! What don't people understand about that? He's not a goddamn funeral director.


Love Rita Ora's gown. Red looks so good on her. I also like the structure of Iggy's gown.

I don't recognize most of those names. I'm officially an old at 29 years old.

Amber, Stahma Tarr called. She wants her Bath Beads back.

Does anyone has streaming links for Europe. The channel who used to air it doesnt anymore. Thanks

Her mom was a failed human Malibu Stacy. It's learned behavior.

Obviously, this is her original artwork/idea so I can't really knock anything, but how cool do the photos looks when you crop out the end of the tube? Without context you have people sitting on some out-of-this world water throne, or maybe being blasted up from the water's surface.

The Kurds see Yazidis as Kurdish, but the Yazidis do not think of themselves as Kurdish. The Kurds see the Yazidi people as ethnically the same, but the Yazidis see themselves as separate because of their faith, and subsequently, their culture.

What do we want? More women!

Yeah I think that's part of the problem. He lets out steam on the net because he can't release IRL. I don't care what people say, but couples who don't fight are suspicious as hell.

In our 9-year relationship, we've fought three times total.

"This time, I spray-painted it orange and called it 'Boehner in a box.'"

1. Get rid of your shitty artwork