
I don't even care. My personal privacy is nothing compared to protecting a child. Most of my emails are related to career, family and a few kind of personal health related things. But I know I've got nothing criminal to hide, so it really doesn't bother me.

"That's not why she was incarcerated!"

I probably will have to have plastic surgery at some point in my life as a result of a "piñata party gone wrong."

Look at those arms! Go on, gurrrl, with your bad self!

Not shallow at all! And it's something I've long struggled with, how to tackle that stuff without sounding like a ladymag.

[Small voice] I like makeup and beauty stuff. I'd love to read lovely, joyful pieces about how to do half-moon manicures and how to tightline properly. And I think there are a lot of really rewarding conversations to be had about how progressive women approach beauty rituals and performance, and the way they can

I rock my pale skin.

That's why I'm glad to be black. Don't have to tan to have a healthy looking complexion.

I didn't realize the model identifies as a woman now. I still believe, however, that haute couture and even ready to wear pieces are cut for a type of body. I get that you're offended, but I wasn't trying to shade the model, just the fashion industry.

Mark, maybe don't victim blame?

She's fucking someone else, bro.

It's called a lake.

I'm just gonna let my toddler sleep on the hardwood floor so there is nothing to suffocate him/her.

"But what about a five-year-old waiting just outside a supermarket?"

Can we just go with "never?" It is NEVER ok to leave children or animals locked in a hot car. COME ON, people. This is Texas. Heat indexes are expected to reach 105 today, you could bake cookies on the windshield of your car. And it's just gonna stay this way until October. We ALL know this. We go through this EVERY

Blend is your friend.

This is a real photograph? Is she attempting to smile?

[fart noise]