
Except that this show was not initiating a critical forum for discussing the status of women in Saudi cultures. Rather, it was a western production exhibiting white privilege by presenting blanket cultural stereotypes.

While it's fine to think critically about the status of women in all cultures, it is important not to perpetuate racist or xenophobic stereotypes.

No one's saying we can't have a discussion about Saudi Arabian culture or that art can't frame that debate. However, in order to talk about the culture, it must be represented accurately. Here, the culture would be little more than an amalgamation of a bunch of stereotypes, which isn't sufficient to form a real debate.

This story has bugged me from the beginning, for exactly this reason: The odd belief that strangers to an incident know it... based on Craigslist and Jezebel commentary. Know it to such a degree of certainty that high outrage and triumphant moral superiority are demanded (with gifs).

People are assholes to each other every single second of every single day. Thousands of far more egregious episodes than this have occurred in the time it took to write this sentence. Don't pretend that just because it involves Craigslist it's somehow significant, interesting, or anything other than asinine and petty.

Most of these stories turn out to be fake. The gay lad from blackpool who was beaten up for being gay, was even mentioned on George Takei twitter.. yeah he admitted he faked it. The gay server who got a homophobic tip.. yeah she faked it. These are just two that spring to mind from recent news.

Two very different phenomena. Remember that the boundaries between different African nations are generally colonial in nature.

It's funny that the conspiracy theory with the least amount of belief (Blacks purposefully infected with HIV) a)has to do with people of color but yet b) has the most likelihood to be true based on blacks being purposefully infected with a disease before.

You know, I can see why certain groups of people would believe that the medical establishment doesn't have their best wishes in mind (let's think about the Tuskegee syphilis experiment, being sterilized without your consent for minorities, being experimented on, etc.). I would trust doctors if they were actually

I can't believe how openly people talk like this about Asian men. Penis shaming in general is treated like an acceptable form of body shaming, even by users here.

May be Mrs. Mortimer was Rose George in a past life?

Yes, I think it would have been better if she hadn't written it at all. It makes it harder for actual Nepali women to have their voices heard, in part because this has essentially gone to fill Jezebel's non-Western quota, and in part because Nepali women tend to get so discouraged from seeing the way that people react

Exactly. I mean, what's the outcome here if not exacerbated/racist colonialist attitudes? Are hundreds of Jezebel readers going to descend on Nepal and solve this problem?? Of course not. They're just going sit right here, and armchair-theorize on how shitty all those brown dudez are.

It is a miserable thing to be a Hindoo lady. While she is a very little girl, she is allowed to play about, but when she comes to be ten or twelve years old, she is shut up in the back rooms of the house till she is married; and when she is married she is shut up still. She may indeed walk in the garden at the

I am Egyptian too and this is not true. It's absolutely cultural and is practiced by some Copts as well.

Muslim here. Actually not true at all. The majority opinion of scholars worldwide is that FGM is haram (prohibited). It goes against every Islamic tradition outlined in the Quran and Sunnah (Prophetic tradition) because of its barbarity and the unnecessary degradation and pain inflicted on young woman. It is entirely

I think the reason people get so pissed of when westerners talk about the developing world is not to do with the fact that they think practices such as this one are ok, but more to do with the fatigue they feel by seeing article after article about the apparently awful backwards states these counties are in. Of course

I don't know that a white, Western woman denouncing cultural relativism is all that helpful (or, particularly insightful, seeing as how if white, Western people had their way, the concept of cultural relativism wouldn't even exist). The point is, we don't get to decide what other cultures should do, seeing as how we

I'm not defending particular traditions, nor criticizing them. I'm just saying who are we to criticize any other culture? What are we going to do, sit back and tsk the horrible evil people who follow their own traditions? Or perhaps send in some UN 'human rights' workers to put an end to something we shouldn't even

Or, you know, stop capitalism.