
Yes, you said, and in that, you pretty much made clear that you’re one of our Brazilians - and God, there’re so much of them - with that “stray dog syndrome”, who have the urge to unreasonably exaggerate the real issues of our country.

“I think this statement is worth an examination, but I would argue that, as underclass members of broader American society (most of us), we don’t benefit those questionable benefits (safety, monetary profit, ignorance of our negative impact) in the same way.”

When African-Americans are shipped overseas to kill and

Now playing

Your attitude is exactly what MIA was talking about.

African-Americans are as often as not the face of American imperialism on the ground. And there is just complete denial about their role in American atrocities from Japan to Vietnam to Iraq to Afghanistan.

Yeah ha ha, Obama and Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice and Susan Rice have had no input in your foreign policy.

Its amazing how African-Americans can pretend they aren’t a core part of American imperialism.

It’s like the Irish claiming “we were also victims of the Empire” and refusing to acknowledge that in Asia and

It’s adorable because all of you Americans missed her really good point.

i.e. While Americans are talking about ensuring that black Americans’ lives matter, they still are doing shit all about the massive American military violence killing brown and black people all over the world.

She’s too woke for you.


The point is: people like Coates (whom Greg cites in this article as well as everywhere else) and McKesson are quickly becoming part of the professional-managerial class. They’re wanting to change the system...but only to a point, because otherwise they’d lose their profits.

I love how you all have been conspicuously ignoring these great articles about St. Ta-Nehisi of the 14e Arrondissement, Charger of $100k Speaking Fees Since His New Book:

Yeah but at least the Soviets were white.

Jezebel has a huge race problem. I know a lot of the commenters here are very smug in their feminism and progressiveness, but I don’t see much of a difference between some of you and the commenters on Fox News. And I can at least excuse some of the Fox News people on the grounds that they’re uneducated and don’t know

It’s frustrating seeing videos like these posted for clicks and comments on Jezebel. This video was not made to enlighten the West about acid attacks. It is part of a local campaign to put pressure on government officials to regulate the sale of acids. This is missed by the commenters, who eat this stuff up with a

I’m just gonna repost one of my comments : Folks at Jez haven’t figured out a way to discuss the misogyny of Indian culture without being self righteous and racist about it.

Folks at Jez haven’t figured out a way to discuss the misogyny of Indian culture without being self righteous and racist about it.

White people can and have (in the distant past) head the NAACP. It would be discriminatory to base the position on her skin color.

Because, it’s primarily trans celebrities of incredible privilege that are of interest and India is a terrible backwards place.

This is the key point. I dislike Qatar and their terrible labor practices as much as the next guy, but that number of deaths isn’t at all odd for the size population of immigrant workers that they have in the country. If you chose a random sample of similarly aged American men of the same size, you’d find that roughly

this has been posted on reddit a few times lately, where it was pointed out that these figures represent the total deaths of migrant workers in Qatar, rather than specifically those working on stadiums. granted, many of those actually are from WC-related deaths, but I think it bears mentioning, at least.

so while i disagree with most of what that person wrote toward the end, he/she is correct regarding grundy’s rather ahistorical portrayal of slavery. as people work more on uncovering what actually happened during the hundreds of years of slavery, colonialism, and imperialism in africa, they are beginning to find a

It’s all about their insistence on “logic and reason” as opposed to faith. Which really just means a masculinist, Manichean worldview that leaves no room for the kinds of affect and irrationality that make feminism and the experiences of POC such powerful disruptive forces.

Judging from the comments the people who needed to read it skimmed it at best.