
Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O "iced tea motherfucker" Reilly, Megan "Dreaming of a White Santa" Kelly and Fox News employees should release a statement condemning the attacks. Or does the racial monolith not apply to white people?

Fuck both of these guys for making this bullshit, hipster racist movie and fuck their bullshit hipster fusion cooking.

Aside from some questionable attempts to go into a falsetto, I don't see what's awful about this...

Yet, here's why this type of narrative is dangerous. You're taking a handful of instances in a 20 year time frame and making it sound like an epidemic. Are there bad, racist cops? Yes. Are there people in the system who don't necessarily work towards justice? Yes.

Sure, each of the instances you mention is unfair,

Yes, I do have issues.

I detest the use of women, women's rights and feminism to further a colonialist agenda. And it's not just Bill Maher, it's a lot of people and governments in the West. They couldn't give a shit when it's women under their nose that are suffering, but if it's a woman suffering at the hands of a Muslim (or another

I love people in the west using products made by slaves in the present day while criticizing stuff like this. As if play acting as a slave master is somehow worse than benefiting from actual slave labour.

A friend was freaking out about Ebola and how it was airborne and I had to stop her and clarify that if it was airborne, we'd pretty much all be completely fucked at this point.

Gay panic is obviously a totally bullshit defence to a crime. I just think the Larry King case is a lot more complicated than that of Gwen Araujo and others where it has come up. It's more complicated because of longterm bullying of King by Brandon McInerney and sexual harassment of McInerney by King. As well as both

Except that teenagers don't have fully formed brains. Their decision making areas are undeveloped, in fact they don't fully develop until your early 20's. It is proven that they act impulsively, stupidly and with lack of thought for consequences. One of the problems with this case is that the murderer was a kid who

I work in the sector. That is pretty much exactly what I do, solar panels on mall roofs will not even almost cover 10 percent of all electricity used in the mall, 5 percent is very optimistic. The best way to save the planet is to do nothing but no one wants to hear that. switch everything off and go to open air

Pointing out that your headline is sensationalist and factually inaccurate? Yes.

All of the sentences were suspended for three years...

Cross post this to Lifehacker?

Big coincidence. I was here bouncing my fifi just as i was reading this.

She does not represent me...

But they'll charge me extra if I check it!

Please don't. It's like those idiots who declared themselves "Jedi" on the census. You're not doing yourself or atheists any favors. You're just making atheists look like pretentious, smug, grumpy, assholes. It's the equivalent of firing off a stupid one liner like "If God's so great, could he make a burrito so large

If she's an atheist as claimed, why does she need this accommodation? It's not to protect her freedom to exercise religion. She's just a dumb troll, dumber even than your average burner commenter.

You realize that saying "no offense" doesn't actually make your statement unoffensive, right? Insult religion or don't, but don't call religion ridiculous and compare it to a joke like pastafarianism, then try to say you didn't mean it to offend anyone.