
I worked at Tim Horton's coffee shop when I was a teen. I worked the drive thru microphone and window because everyone else hated doing it and I was the youngest. Of course, as you all know, people can get very angry about their coffee or food orders. Very angry. It was pretty standard to be sworn at, at least once

Pretty tame stories. They are at the most elite institution in the world...and have more opportunity than 99% of the rest of the country.

Jesus, this is scary and insane and sickening.

You make very good points but it's not in Jezebels or Gawkers interest to be intelligent or to take time with stories. They have an ideology and truth and lies are both useful as long as they advance the leftist idea of constant victimhood of certain people. The right wing does the same thing with their sites and

Blah blah diamonds are the worst wake up sheeple blah blah blah I love my blood diamond it's so sparkly blah blah all my jewelry is made of hemp blah.

While I think, wholeheartedly, that Russia's stance is wrong in regards to LGBTQ people, I can't help but think that most of the criticism towards Russia is just left over Cold War feelings.

I'm no fan of Piers Morgan but I encourage Jezebel to provide more rounded reporting of the events as they transpired. Janet Mock did herself no favors firing the first shots the way she did. (Note, I'm not contending with her reason for calling him on it.)

Piers Morgan asked questions that could have been more delicate. The solution to this "controversy" is another conversation, not engaging the internet mob to demand some half assed apology or GLAAD re-education.

Why not do the story about the interview first, so that there can be some context and we can judge whether this was a "Twit fit" or not?

Good for him. So exhausted by the viciousness of trans activism as an organized body - tumblr made incarnate in a wave of screeching incoherent voices. This is the new normal if every one of their cultural sensitivities isn't catered: create a wave of abuse and sneering, mean-spirited calls for groveling apologies.

FYI: Not being able to flush toilet paper is a fairly common thing outside of the US/Western countries. Pipes are too small to handle it, and they don't properly filter a lot of the waste. I've experienced the same pretty much wherever I've gone in Latin America.

As an aside: I had a roommate when I lived in DC who

This may be very difficult for you to conceptualize, but some women enjoy being sat on.
Some of them are...dare I say...feminist.

I don’t see anything in the Gap advertising that connects it to MLK day. I’m Canadian so we don’t have MLK day here but the Gap seems to have some sort of different promotion every other week... so is Gap really trying to encroach on MLK day or was it a coincidence that their promotion happens to fall on the same day?

See, this is why it never pays to write off entire regions based on their representation at the federal level. Some of the toughest, smartest queer people I know are from what the uninitiate would consider the full-on "Deliverance" South. Between this and those two ridiculously fucking cute dads doing their daughters'

That gif probably resembles Erin's reaction after reading these comments...

Someone elsewhere in this post mentioned that 11 students took the test in Montana.

11 kids took the exam in Montana. That suggests a huge gender gap, but it also suggests that there isn't any sort of widespread access to AP Computer Science courses in the state, let alone programs reaching out girls and students of color to encourage them to sign up.

First, I would argue that MOST images of ALL women (white or otherwise), ESPECIALLY those images propagated in the United States, portray women as "inherently sexual." Moreover, ALL men, are subject to the exact same images that may or may not brainwash them into believing women are nothing but blow up toys.

Oh honey, no. Everything you've said here is racist and you need to take some responsibility for it. I suggest you leave now and give it a ponder.

Seriously: what the fuck am I reading?!