
Pretty much the only time I see BM/BW couples is in Oakland which is only 25% black although most people think it is like DC or Detroit (and it is, but only by Bay Area standards where most towns have low, low single digit percentages of black residents and where the tech companies are even worse). Working class BM

Is it rare to see black/black couples in the East Bay as well?

Um, it's San Jose...that might be the first time he's held hands with a black girl.

I think the experience you have in the Bay Area depends on what kind of minority you are. We do NOT all get treated the same and we do NOT all occupy the same position of status and privilege up here. If you are Asian, you are sitting pretty. If you are Black or Latino, then not so much.

Probably San Jose State has never had a black male and female duo as the homecoming queen and king b/c you pretty much never see that pairing in San Jose(or the Bay as a whole) in real life. My friends here said they still do a double take when they do another black couple, and they've lived out here for 7 years.

That's interesting. The black population accounts for more than 110% of the total student body.

The article you link to says SJSU has about 34,000 students total, and that only 4% of the student body is African American. That...seems like an important detail to get right.

"They" is one creepazoid White guy in Chicago with a Black dick obsession.

Also saying "Black men are larger than most" implies that all Black men have bigger dicks than anybody else.

We have no reliable data for that, despite your creepy stereotyped thinking.

Sexist AND racist! Let's keep those stereotypes about Black men's anatomy and sexuality going!

But duh, all black men and all tall men have ginormous penises, therefore tall black guy has extra ginormous penis. SCIENCE. Trufaxx.

I'm actually more disgusted with him perpetuating the Black Beast Penis myth as opposed to him comparing his penis to his son's. I doubt he saw LeBron's penis. And the fact that James was also "King Kong" on some magazine cover makes the usage of him even grosser. I'm utterly unsurprised, but still disgusted.

Yeah, this was my first thought too. It comes off as "hahaha he's gone down in the world! look!" a little bit.

Sitting back for all the posts decrying a person spending $2500 on a bag and not this classic example of racial profiling.

"A very dark-skinned kid in the keep of blonde people is part of the natural order, proof, in fact, of benevolence, of the bigheartedness of the adoption process."

Yeah, where is the rage about cultural appropriation and her sexing up religious garments that are based on female modesty in a culture that already suffers from fetishization and is seen as "exotic"? Oh, right. All non-white and non-Western people are inherently noble, according to Jez logic.

You're incredibly ignorant.

Teaching two months in Cambodia! OH GOOD FOR YOU GIRL

As someone who has worked in Africa (Rwanda specifically, because Africa is a big, non-homogenous continent) for a long time, I actually don't want her to go to Africa. Too many privileged white people use Africa and Africans as a path to self-discovery and people get hurt because of it. She's clearly too ignorant to

Jesus, Mississippi thinks these guys should tone it down.

Your phone is filled with penises?