
I had to take an insurance class this week so I can take the test for my new job. My boss insisted on an in person rather than online class, and there was only option. My instructor was...a nightmare. These are a few highlights from the week.

I follow my friends into the bathroom, watch them shower, bounce on their bed and help type things on the computer.

Other than, um, everything about this, this is extra-creepy because of the sort of guy it would attract. If a guy thinks he can "buy" a "date," what else will he think he is owed if he spends any $$? If he buys her a tank of gas and she goes out with him and then he buys her a snickers does he then think that she

First, they take our National treasure, Tatiana Maslany.

I mean, in fairness, you probably shouldn't have drunk the water 100 years ago, since that was an excellent way to get cholera or polio, but I supposed both of those illnesses would actually help you lose weight (crash diet! cholera!), so....

Holda, holda, holda. If Jez's stance is that women of color shouldn't be silenced, why have I seen comments removed when WOC try to ask about Hugo Schwyzer? No comment. Or when NINJACATE's (now ZOMBIECATE) post on groupthink went viral (I'd say 1,575,007 hits would count as viral), it was completely ignored and pushed

I don't know about the science aspect, but I'm a writer, and I am constantly approached to write for free. My husband, who is white and male, is asked frequently to do graphic design and illustration work for free.

this is rich, coming from this site, who will not just delete posts and comments, but ban people without informing them (even after they request it) why.

Comparing her 5 year dating relationship to a guy getting a divorce after about a 10 year-ish (assuming) marriage is a bit aggrandizing on her part. That dude had kids. Comparing your live-in bf to that is selfish.

Fair enough, but I say have a conversation. Like a human. Don't post someone's picture on the web so everyone can know your horror (not that you did or would, still talking about Jim on Twitter's comments here). Food can be gross, and that's not all that is gross. I've sat near people on subway and on the el that

He ate Brie on the subway. He didn't murder a koala bear. Sometimes this public shaming gets on my damn nerves. Let's just put the stocks back in the village square and have at it. Sure, I don't like to eat on mass transit, but we don't know his life.

Hmm now I have to wonder how many men didn't answer the phone because they were watching porn.

This is what happens when you poll people while they're sitting in church. Never trust a pew poll.

I tried Tinder recently as a straight guy, and my experience has been that there are a lot of fake profiles of women on there. Like, to the point where if there were no friends or interests in common I would automatically assume it’s a fake profile and reject it. At first I would “heart” most women that came up, but

Yeah, Jezebel seems to have a real thing for finding guys with moderate to serious social, emotional or personal issues and shaming them as douches. There are plenty of complete douchebags out there, and they are totally fair game for shaming. But the shaming of guys who seem more like they're just not able to deal

I think this guy had a psychotic break. Seriously. This is terrifying. I'm less inclined to think he is a douche and more inclined to suggest that he has, at best, a severe personality disorder.

One more tip:

I feel like this was an easy slam dunk of a sketch and they somehow completely blew it. The Emma Stone impersonation was simply awful by the way.

Why do people even dignify WBC hatred with a response? They're IRL trolls. Responding to them is exactly what they want you to do.