
She's said in interviews that she likes to rely on her own income, rather than that of her parents, to "buy whatever [she] wants." She has also said that she "created" the "ditzy" character on the Simple Life because she knew that people would watch it more. She seems like an intelligent businesswoman, but she needs

Uhhh..NO. If youve noticed, through SNL up to this, Albanians are the favorite target for Tina Fey. I think it has something to do with the fact that she is of Greek descent and the Greeks are neighbors to Albania, and Greeks like to be prejudiced to Albanians. I think shes gotten away with this blatant offensive

this is super offensive. but uh, i forget, anything can ever be offensive to white privileged american broads and MAYBE, once in a while, a trans person, POC or other 'murican minorities. i am not even going to elaborate, but please, check your western privilege. i am disgusted.

The comment section on this website is starting to stink as much as the articles. Seems like all the people that are left are the people that are too lazy to actually comment and instead post stupid fucking gifs, macros and memes. Guess some people are just desperate to be told how hilarious they are or something.

The basic mechanism is "men in Somalia = kidnappey murderers with AKs." No narrowing it to al Shabaab, even. Broadening that to all of Somalia wouldn't be a good thing either. (And I'm pretty sure Mogadishu was the only place in Somalia the author could name and think readers would understand.) And seriously, can we

I like the concept of mocking creepy PUA guides, but the execution here isn't so great. The satire either needs to be more over-the-top or stepped back, especially in the "Somalia" and "AA meetings" sections, because they really don't fit in with the rest and end up feeling less like "PUAs are often creepy, racist,

Yeah, this parody was not that funny and when I reached the Somalia part I just stopped reading. People are welcome to their own sense of humor but that doesn't mean I have to read that nonsense.

Not cluelessness, just a desire for actually funny and thoughtful parody.

And now we're uncool for not liking it, I guess. I see that there are a number of comments along the lines of "Hee hee, let's see who doesn't understand this!!"

The fuck is this?

Can I just chime in and say that as much as most Americans believe they have Native American ancestry.... it turns it's not that common. I think it's like 10% of people have actual native American ancestors (obviously I'm not including actually tribal members and such). It was not really that common for the colonist

My Chinese friends consider a Chinese-Japanese marriage to be mixed. Some of my parents' friends consider a Jewish-Anyone-Else marriage to be mixed. Race never has been and never will be a good identifier of culture.

Here we go with the exoticizing...

Agree. I get sooo tired of white people (yeah I said it) acting like race mixing just started in the last 30 or so years (read: after civil rights pretty much). A lot of black Americans have always seen themselves as mixed. Latinos as well. B...b...but it's showing up on the census as record jumps in numbers you say?

Moreover, the concept of race =/= nationality is a relatively new thing. Even the intermixing of the 'European races' amongst themselves in the U.S. is/was a type of racial blending. This is why people from around the world often think that [white] 'Americans,' and to a lesser degree [white] Canadians, have a

Oh so we're just moving to colorism like the dominican republic and brazil now? That's nice.

Hmm. Sure looks as if these women are going to Eagleton to shop.

This is related to the bigger problem of Parks and Rec...that small towns as depicted by Pawnee don't really exist. A real town like Pawnee would be run by some hicks, have very little diversity, never have a rich shared history (ie Lil Sebastian), never have a nightclub like Snakehole.

Is it bad that my first thought when I read Mrs. Crabtree was this?

While you can say "this is a non-story because it's the same as everywhere", people that are not you have often not seen a contract from a reality show before, so it is a story to them. Just because your job gives you access to contracts for reality shows doesn't mean everyone has the same access, geez.