I like how Jezebel ignores how racist New Girl can be and how Schmidt fetishizes CeCe like she is some exotic pet.
I like how Jezebel ignores how racist New Girl can be and how Schmidt fetishizes CeCe like she is some exotic pet.
She's totally pranking him. The whole "I'm a confused little interviewer" thing is an act.
And this, in a nutshell, is why I am skeptical of the "sex-positive" feminist approach to porn. Where is this kinder, gentler porn that I keep hearing about? Where are all these happy sex workers with hearts of gold? Trying to frame these issues as empowered choices that women make because agency obscures the fact…
The whole case makes me absolutely sick. That people are willing to forgive and forget and work with a dude who literally sodomized a child... ugh. I just can't. If I knew a dude did that I'd want nothing to do with him, yet Hollywood lets this guy have a pass. Ugh. UGH.
This sort of conversation reminds me of what people ask when they hear my Southern Accent ( I live in California) and thus the questions are sometimes bizarre. As if the South is a mysterious land where the entire population must not be aware of modern conveniences such as indoor plumbing. Either that or they are…
Huh? Nothing happens.
I think people look at racism as an American problem when it's an international problem. Our movies and television shows are not created solely for consumption by an American audience. They are made to be shown internationally.I don't think it's solely white Americans who dislike black man/white woman pairings. These…
Yes, at one point I remember UA touting the 13% as higher than most non-HBCU universities. I was there from 01-07 but I can't find the piece where the university was bragging about this.
They should all be cunt punted
As a black woman, I don't understand wanting to be a part of an organization that's supposed to stand for sisterhood and service that wouldn't want me because of my skin color. Like...no. No way, no how would I even be bothered with trying to rush/pledge what have you. This story doesn't surprise me, though.
The opening, when she comes out and tries desperately to relate to her studio audience with chit-chat about some subject she clearly does not give a fuck about like cleaning out a cluttered closet or buying the right sized bra, all while grinning maniacally and pleading with her eyes for these soccer moms to please, pl…
This. There is nothing wrong with being a girl, but gay men are NOT girls. They are men or if they are younger, they are boys. The problem is the separation. Gay men do not need to be treated like they are any less masculine and deserving of masculine terminology than straight men.
Like it or not, language is…
it's not shameful but he isnt a girl
I think what they are trying to say to you is that Gay men are already stigmatized by their (albeit, homophobic) peers as being "less than a Man," as if by being gay they suddenly forfeit their masculinity or have to replace it with a new identity (this world blows). Being a Gay Man doesn't make a man less of a man so…
Let's be honest here: you're a bigot. The West does not have a monopoly on women's rights. Especially Texas. There are plenty of feminists outside of this country. Just because you do not see them does not mean they do not exist.
They'll get cunt-punted if they don't.
I would imagine that Western values= their values since they would've been born here, not come from anywhere else.
I loved the people calling her out on Tumblr, I was trying to think why her post kind of bothered me and they articulated it perfectly: