
Can we cool it with the GIF comments? One appropriate reaction GIF dropped in response to a story? Can be funny, sometimes perfect. Every single comment being a GIF and nothing else? Kind of annoying.

To the asshole who thinks that fast food workers shouldn't make a living wage, fuck you too. I mean, if we didn't have a stratified society where we could judge the worth of one job over another, or we didn't have rich people and poor well, what would be the point? How on earth would we all feel so superior toward

Marie strikes again!

Hell, yeah. I'm a lifelong restaurant worker, so my Friday-Sunday is all work, but it is lovely to get to relax on some weekdays, and get shit done, like paying bills and grocery shopping when there aren't crowds and lines. And when I get a weekend day off, too, it's extra special and wonderful. Plus, people

I don't mind it right now, because most of my friend have an irregular schedule/weekend schedule too. However, if most of my friends couldn't go live it up on a Sunday night or a Tuesday or whatever, I would be pretty unhappy.

I used to work weekends. I never want to go back. I much prefer spending whole days with my husband every week.

I have a love/hate relationship with working weekends (which I have been doing for the past 8 years). It is so much easier to run errands during the week when there are fewer crowds and I don't have to take time off to go to one of the 845734095 doctors appoints that I always seem to have on my calendar. If I need to

Um, poor kid? I mean, it's awesome that he's brilliant and getting opportunities to learn at a VERY accelerated level but . . .he's 11. I hope he gets to hang around other kids some times and not do calculus but, just, relax.

I was hoping that we would all be talking about Dr. King on this Post. You know, the one who was arressted and terrorized for fighting for equality and then finally killed by the govermnent. I was hoping that is who we could talk about but apparently defending Macklemore is the more important issue. His little pale,

I personally prefer "cumpilations"

I wish I would have gotten this memo in middle school. My poor parents laid down quite the sum so that I could wear hideous Abercrombie sweatpants and graphic tees with ridiculous sayings on them. There's a picture of me in my 8th grade yearbook wearing a shirt that says "PREP" in giant sparkly letters. Let's just say

I appreciate this post. I just wish Jezebel wrote a little more about Manning, and posted fewer photos of Obama looking oh, so cute.

I don't get it at all. Some dude works too much and is really bored. Or something. His girlfriend, who doesn't seem to have to work, is mad at him for not being around. Or something. He works so much because he's bored with his girlfriend and so is looking at pictures of his ex, who looks just like his girlfriend, or

Just on a side note, can Jezebel be a bit more judicious with headlines proclaiming something is being banned? He instructed his leadership to set an example for the congregation by not wearing weaves. Nowhere does it state that he "banned" weaves in that women with weaves will be forbidden from church or kicked out


Based on some comments, she was a surprise performance after the show that nobody knew about. So it's not that nobody showed up, it's that nobody knew they had a reason to stay.

How much did LinkedIn pay you to shill?

Agreed, particularly since it implies that we cannot possibly sympathize and empathize with Ms. Kwissa — and all that she's been subjected to — unless we agree that is an e-publishing villain. It's a good lesson in the irony that simplistic-thinking in headline-writing can be decidedly manipulative, willfully

When they're saying the complaint has merit, they're not saying they think he's innocent. They're saying that he satisfied the basic requirements for showing there could be a problem with the content—e.g. he had purchased the book, and even if his name was changed, he might be identifiable if you know the author or

It's still fun that profitable movies about black people always have to be about racism in some capacity.