OK, let's break this down here.
OK, let's break this down here.
The dude was in Saudi Arabia, and it actually didn't happen.
Morgan Murphy, I will not lie to you. When I am at home on a Friday night with an open bottle of wine, some Thai food, and Netflix, knowing I can get drunk by myself and sleep in the next day, then get up, go for run, do some shopping, see a movie, basically whatever the fuck I want, I am most definitely saying…
Some Muslims were surrounding churches to try to protect them.
So let's say that your combined income is around $40,000 - $50,000 a year. That is not financial insecurity. That is a lot of money for two people to live on. Sure, you might have to scrimp and save, but that covers basic necessities at least. You each have a second income to rely on at the moment. At lot of people…
$25000 is a LOT of money to me.
He's charming and celebrity endorsed, but very sketchy. He's a very "Washington" type of politician (sorry, I can't think of another way to describe it) and his stances on issues are vague at best. I was really hoping Holt would win since NJ needs a true progressive who is direct and down to earth. Hopefully,…
I hate the fact that there are millions of articles about liberal/progressive politicians on this site, but little to no articles about their stance on issues. I love seeing pictures of Cory, but I would love even more to see more evidence on his awesomeness on "real" issues.
I'm sorry, why is this a good thing beyond "he's charming"? He's a corporate puppet. He's an empty suit with a nice face that knows exactly how to work his own image. He is the exact opposite of what the Democratic party needs.
Being poor in the US is not the same as being poor elsewhere, though. Nor should we simply be okay with this. Being poor even in China means moderate access to state-operated health care. Being poor in the US means you're lucky if an ER will admit you.
I'd wager that it's quite a bit.
As a New Zealander I think that's a very plausible theory, we're super racist against our Pacific neighbours. Ironic, given our national history, but there you go.
A lot of it.
As soon as I read this I knew it was race/culture driven. I just didn't know enough about New Zealand to guess which group was being unfairly targeted. I am pretty sure part of the reason they have obesity problems has to do with the kind of nutrition and education about nutrition they have access to.
Excellent point. I've been wondering for a while now how much "fat phobia" is just racism and classism repackaged.
The interesting thing about the original story of Aladdin is that even though is was originally a Middle Eastern story, it took place in China and Aladdin is supposed to be Chinese.
"My life was not easy."
Wow, it only took half an hour from your post requesting that we ignore the humblebrag anecdotes of the "well, it all worked out for MEEE!" variety for someone to respond to your request with a humblebrag anecdote of the "well, it all worked out for MEEE!" variety. That is an impressive amount of obliviousness right…
Don't respond to the bootstraps peeps, please.
So I looked up the lyrics to see just how bad they actually were...more than the content I was amazed at the TERRIBLE PHRASING and that half the lines just end without a resolution that makes sense. A sampling: