
Loving all the anti Islamic bullshit is in the comments. News flash folks if you are boycotting misogynist and homophobic countries and cultures basically all of Eastern Europe and certainly Russia are out and you should probably kiss that Caribbean vacation goodbye. Hell staying in your own countries may not work out

Honestly? This is nothing compared to some of the atrocious crap Lega Nord (Northern League) spews on a regular basis. This is the group that tried to ban all mosques from being built in Italy and then did their best to make sure mosques couldn't be built within a certain distance to a church. One of them infamously

I've seen so many white people do that.

Don't get offended when POC don't automatically see you as non-racist or as an ally. Don't get offended when POC say negative things about White people. They're not actually talking about you. You're doing about the only things you can do.

Dear White Liberals on this thread, No one hates you and no one wants you to die. This has been a tough day to be on the Internet. Martha's right: posting comments is easy and self congratulatory. on today—on this shitty day—lets do something marginally (marginally!) harder: let's not get all hurt over some Internet

It was very weird to watch. (But George Zimmerman, the cowardly little piece of shit, didn't actually argue or invoke "Stand Your Ground" in his defense. Common misconception, but still wrong.)

Shut up. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. I am so motherfucking sick of seeing white people on here pissing and moaning about how "not all white people are like that, you hurt my feelings, whahh whahh." Just stop. Stop whining. Stop tone policing. This is not about your feelings. This is about how the justice system lets black

I'll try and use myself as an example so you can hopefully understand it better. I am from Jamaica. I was born there. Jamaica has a huge problem, a massive problem, with homophobia. Personally, I am the opposite of homophobic, but I am painfully aware of the fact that my home country has issues with gay rights.

Fuck all you "good liberal white people" who are going to come in this comment section and give yourselves a pat on the back. Just stop. You already showed your asses last night in the previous article. Like Seriously fuck you. Because you still felt the need to lecture us on our pain and made it all about you. Let

As an Ethiopian, i can see why this is a big deal. we are really conservative, having sex outside of marriage is cause for big gossip and embarrassment. let alone on international television. However, bringing the cops into this is overkill. i also believe that Betty can do whatever she wants as a grown woman, and

This is going to come out clunky but bear with me. I'm not here for this article. Because in the rush to normalize and accept lgbtq people (which we absolutely should), there is thing that's been happening where white people and their minions are coding lgbtq as white. And with that putting homophobia solely on POC.

Technically, all you know of your partner's history is what they've told you. You may trust them; but trusting isn't the same as knowing.

As the black member of an interracial couple, please never do this. Please don't even think about doing this. Ever. The stares are bad enough, the rude comments, the everything else. I'd like to just go out in public for once without someone acting like we're either saving or destroying the world. Jesus Christ, we're

Yeah. It would make me feel really weird if that's what someone wanted to bond with me about. :\

The discomfort comes from that bi-racial people feel as if they are being fetishized or exotic-fied.

I thought this was an article about those Highschool superlatives like "Best hair," "Most likely to succeed," "Most Athletic," etc. Cuz that's also bullshit.
Yes, I am still bitter I wasn't voted "Most Artistic," but my art nemesis/ frenemy Amy was.

Me! I know how ridiculous it is. And how truly awful some of the people are. Sometimes I even get knots in my stomach because of the painful stupidity. At the same time, I get really into it. I have favorites and opinions and I'm sad when its over. Can't explain it. So, there's one of the who. Can't help you with the

THIS is what her foot looks like on the inside...SO BEAUTIFUL, right?

This was good until there was mention of Asra Nomani. She's the biggest troll and media whore in the American Muslim community these days. She'll do anything to keep her name in the press even if it means saying the stupidest things. Even her "progressive" Muslim friends have turned their back on her.