
I don't mind being associated with Africa—I mind the double-standard that I'm called "African-American" when my family has been in America for 12+ generations and has no real ties to Africa, while my white friends (whose families emigrated 3-4 generations ago) are simply called, and self-identify, as American in

Why are you all taking this as anti-pot? He's talking about potential natural gas workers from rural PA and their problem is meth and Oxycontin.

I actually work in drug and alcohol services in Washington County, PA where many of the oil/fracking jobs Governor Corbett mentions are available, hiring, and bustling. It is quite true— drug use, especially opiate and heroin abuse, is rampant in the region. Additionally, the Washington community is a state hub for

Way to win the ignorant jackhole of the day award. There is a definitive difference between Islam and radical subsets. She didn't convert to muslim extremism just like someone who "finds christ" isnt converting to white christian supremacy.

Because, believe it or not, Islam is a religion that attracts over a billion people to it, of all colors and nationalities. Shocker, I know, but there are plenty of pale faces that are Muslim. I know quite a few American women that have converted to Islam. No, they dont wear burkas.

Because there is nothing wrong with comverting to Islam. It's a religion just like any other. We do not know the whole story. Perhaps he convered or followed her to impress her, interpreted the religion (and most notebly, the Quran) incorrectly. The girl could be completely innocent, all the facts aren't in yet.

You can actually do that with a lot of international airlines, you just have to talk to the right people. I had to change to planes in Seoul with Korean Air and I inquired about staying in in Seoul for a couple days and the agent was more than willing to arrange it. It helps if you agree to book your hotel or whatever

Minks are assholes. Seriously, they are quite mean animals. I don't tend to have a problem with humanely raised and slaughtered animals being used for fur, but if I wore a mink it would be because I had bested that little bastard in some feat of cunning.