
Nothing would've happened to the couple, that's my whole point. Most Sudanese are much more concerned that she had disappeared from her family for a couple of years and married someone without telling them.

F.Y.I "Allah" is the Arabic word for God and Arabic speaking Christians use it to refer to God as well.

This isn't much of a surprise. Sudanese authorities NEVER really intended to execute this woman. Authorities will use stores like this to distract attention away from more pressing issues like political and economic freedom in Sudan. It has nothing to do with religion, but everything to do with politics. They know

I see what you're saying, but the substance of his argument is that its just a word that has has absolutely no malicious intent when he uses it. There is a fundamental difference between being hurt by hearing a drag queen calling another drag queen "tranny" and being hurt by a transphobic person physically assaulting

I actually think this highlights Ru's argument very well. It's all about intention in how we use words. When Ru says "tranny" there is nothing malicious behind it. When someone uses "tranny" to demean someone, that is entirely different. There are people out there who want to (physically) hurt trans* people as this

No. Its actually very disrespectful to women who've undergone FGC to call it "mutilation."

This sounds like a headline from circa 2011.

Female Genital Cutting, aka Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), but I hate that terminology.

Exactly. When I have chosen to speak publicly about it, I expected those types of questions and I answered those types of questions how I wanted to. Even if it was "that's not really something I can explain here."

I think there is some difference between going on a program as a transgendered person and going on a program as a person who happens to be transgendered.

You so crazy!

Neither of those are what you're talking about either.

Oh ellenjean, what a surprise to see you pop up with your nonsense again!

Yeah its a very complex situation and history that people are talking about. People tend to only focus on "Christianity" but Christianity itself is an abstraction. If you are going to focus on Christianity (or even Islam), you also have to focus on the traditional (Pre-Christian/Islamic) beliefs and practice also.

You've done a good job already of explaining things. Negative attitudes towards homosexuality existed LONG before those American Evangelicals everyone talks about came to Uganda. The idea that these American Evangelicals came over and started dictating Ugandan laws is very simplistic, and frankly offensive to

Exactly this.

That is the impression the show tries to give, but its not always true. In Porsha's case she touted as the wife of a wealthy former NFL player when she joined the cast, but now she's divorced and doesn't have any other projects going on to earn her money and if I remember correctly, she got nothing from the divorce.

I remember when Bravo used to show the movie High Art.... and now it just shows this.

I understand what you're saying and agree with you 100%, but at the same time I think we can't ignore these women's need for money. Most of them don't actually become rich from these shows and many of them need the show to make a living. Its no different from any other job. Its an unfortunate economic reality. People

Let's also not forget that Porsha Williams is the granddaughter of Hosea Williams. I think that's what's most upsetting about this.