"Putting arbitrary boundaries on people and what is "right" and what is "wrong" never works out well for anyone."
"Putting arbitrary boundaries on people and what is "right" and what is "wrong" never works out well for anyone."
But from a religious (Islamic) perspective, they didn't do anything wrong.
Race/Ethnicity on the US Census has been a controversial issue for a long time, and will continue to be.
Yeah, I think some people here need to work on their map reading skills and figure out what the map is actually showing.
Next time just don't write about something you don't understand.
Well I mean putting that as number 1 was a little foolhardy. But the rest aren't exactly true either.
Its all based on the 2000 Census and how people self-identified on the census forms.
Honestly, you're explanation that an "American" ethnic identity is somehow a result of racism is completely unfounded. As someone else has pointed it out, its more likely a result of white people who don't know their specific origins, are confused about their specific origins, or have been in (what is now) the US for…
I don't think the Washington Post actually created this map. Its been on Wikipedia for years, and its based on data from the 2000 Census, so its not even up to to date.
The Sonora PD takes their mug shots in a parking garage/outside?
There is so much irony in your comment....
What surprised me most was that it was still in business. Then Sammy said something like "I have enough money to keep this place going." And then it all made sense.
I'm not sure what you were trying to say then? The notion that somehow countries/societies either exist in a vacuum independent of outside influences, or that societies completely change after adopting a certain religion is rather misguided.
There actually is a fair amount of Muslim influence in Thailand. The southern part of Thailand has a large Muslim population and there are Muslims of varies ethnicities scattered throughout the rest of the country. Muslim traders also had an influence on the royal family at one point. There was even a community of…
I know I'm a huge killjoy but I HATE HATE HATE hearing people having sex. My worst fear is loud sex neighbors moving in and having to listen to them all the time. It just feels like I'm invading a private moment. Or if they know they're being loud but don't care, well that's a little messed up because I I have to…
Yeah when I read "Might female leaders—"who tend to have a more participative, collaborative style than men," I immediately thought of Bangladesh (Sheikh Hasina and Zia) and India (Gandhi) and Pakistan (Bhutto), none of them seemed that "collaborative."
Comparing countries' "diversity" is a little dubious at best though. I know the research uses "ethnic fractionalization," but even that is dubious. There are just so many different standards on what "diverse" is.
The problem is that our educational system (assuming you're in America too) just doesn't put much emphasis on things like solar models. We might learn it in elementary school or even middle school (I don't even remember when I learned it specifically), but by the time we reach adulthood that information is long gone.…
No. They don't necessarily "believe in geocentrism," they're just confused in regards to the commonly accepted model. Blame the education system. People were likely taught the heliocentric model but there has been little incentive to retain that information.
No. They don't necessarily "believe in geocentrism," they're just confused in regards to the commonly accepted model. Blame the education system.