Gray Pride

yeah back when i bought mine I still had friends working there so in my mind it wasn’t that hard to separate Musk from Tesla but they’ve all moved on now.

I suspect most auto CEO’s have similarly egregious personalities and politics but just don’t tweet about them though.  

For the 1% it is not about how wealthy they are, but rather about having more than everyone else or something that shows they have the dark triad. Case in point:

Yeah, that amount is paltry and insulting.

this isn’t about money. It’s about control and “winning”. 

Bitches about Taylor not having kids, yet won’t take care of his own. His daughter disowned him.

What a piece of garbage. Used to idolize this guy way back in the day. Not no mo’.

It’s not just the pissing away the money, it’s that he takes the TIME to focus on this insignificant stuff instead of focusing on SpaceX, Tesla, X, etc.

Billionaires have a completely different relationship to money than the vast majority of people. They will gladly piss away millions just to one-up each other because money really doesn’t matter to them. Then they will argue over just a few thousand because they simply can't stand losing. 

Musk going “Fuck you for blackmailing me with money”.  Such a dumbfuck deadbeat fascist apartheid Afrikaaner.

The man has billions of dollars and he’s arguing about maybe $50 - $100k a year.

Dude’s not terribly bright, so that’s probably a contributing factor.

And when I called him on it before, here was the response before he dismissed my comment:

What a stupid fucking reply

You seem like you don't tip waiters

Yea, he really does seem the type to walk around life completely delusional like that.

Star? It’s a direct to Disney+ series. He’s a tv guy. He got lucky with a voice acting gig in Toy Story. Tom Hanks is a Star. Tim Allen is not. No one is beating down Tim Allen’s door to do anything that’s not a sequel to something from 20-30 years ago.

Tim Allen Dick (legal name), the famous convicted, admitted cocaine trafficker?

He’s got more snow in his past than Santa.

Doesn’t matter, he’s working with other people, fellow professionals who deserve a baseline of respect, and (former) star status doesn’t excuse him from basic decency, which it sounds like Allen has very little of

Tim Allen was always an hypocritical asshole who should have been in jail for trafficking.