“undeniably self-serving evolution”, you say?
“undeniably self-serving evolution”, you say?
I don’t think they did miss the point. Who made the author the arbiter of culture?
Thanks for the compliment.
That’s exactly my point. Bad macroeconomics. Bad for the populace of metro Atlanta for a variety of reasons. But completely logical from a microeconomic standpoint.
What percentage of Braves’ season ticket holders come from Cobb County? As a business that wants to make its customers happy and maximize income, isn’t moving to their geographic center a good business decision? And if this fan base wants restaurants and other amenities nearby, isn’t it also a good business decision…
If this is the worst possible moment, when is the best possible moment for Russia to beef up its nuclear weapons in the arctic?
BREAKING: Ensconced leader of organization in a historically corrupt industry distrusts ensconced leaders of organization in other historically corrupt industry.
I’m going to say a word, and you tell me the word that pops into your mind.
I think the Blue states are just jealous that Red states have had a monopoly on political nutjobs upset with the powers that be/conspiracy theorists for the past 8 years. It’s fun to watch logic get thrown out the window, now that the tables have turned.
Data: Income inequality declines.
Is there a Chrome or Firefox extension that will block The Concourse from Deadspin? I would pay money for that.
You are 100% correct. I think that’s the issue. There needs to be a concerted effort to create a sustainable continuum of both education and quality jobs in poorer areas. And there needs to be both - without jobs, you get brain drain and the area stays poor; without education, you get outsiders taking the jobs and…
“funnel wealth to the poor”
So the guy pays wages that allow his prices to be competitive relative to other fast food chains, and runs ads that appeal to their target demographic? And then he has the nerve to talk about it in real terms rather than corporate double-speak? What a scumbag!
The Press Secretary is a professional liar, that is their job. They are the quintessential and foremost spin doctors in politics. Doesn’t matter who is in office.