

Poirot wore bow-ties, not neckties, and even had he worn a necktie, probably wouldn’t have been so sloppy when tying a Half-Windsor. Also, given that the Windsor knot would have been fairly new at the time, Poirot would not have worn it. He was still wearing pince-nez in the 1930s.

I AM a Poirot superfan (actually Agatha superfan, I own every single book she’s written including the atrocious romance novels she wrote under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott). I’m such a superfan in fact that my purse has WWPD printed on one side and WWMMD on the other- Agatha fans will get what this means ; ) Greatest

No, worries, mademoiselle, the oldest hipster in Brooklyn is on the case.

Looks like they blew the special effects budget on a Snapchat mustache filter.

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Uh, also he didn’t read Oryx and Crake correctly.

The only people I know who think it is unrealistic are men.

Croissants are overrated bread mistakes, and whenever I attempt to eat one with my java, 50% of it dissolves into microscopic crusty flakes that collect in my bra and give me CROISSANT RASH.

She can speak freely like everyone else on Telegraph and Shattuck. Fuck her.

From where are they coming? Moraga? (Sorry, Moraga; I couldn’t resist....)

So... instead of Nazi Brown Shirts, here in the East Bay we have Alt-Right Red Hats: Neo-Nazi’s who wear MAGA hats and paintball armor and drive in from neighboring areas. They come to Berkeley and Oakland to start violent confrontations with any protestor who is not right wing.

“They can’t stop me,” she said. “I’m an American. I have constitutional rights.”

Me on a conference call when someone suddenly says my name and asks for my thoughts after 45 minutes of doing anything else but listening.

My favorite part of the series is when Madeline (Reese’s character) pukes all over the table at the dinner hosted by her ex-husband and his new wife after hearing the news that their daughter planned to auction her virginity for charity. It.was.awesome.

real talk.

Hey, I’m a teacher from a school that is (partially) closing tomorrow in observance of the strike (some parents and teachers are volunteering to provide backup care to families who cannot get childcare) . I am seeing a lot of comments here and on other websites calling striking teachers selfish, or getting mad that

When someone brings up PC-culture as a refutation, it’s always the final square of Asshole Bingo. His refutation points more to the fact that he’s totes okay with Affleck because he doesn’t see anything wrong with behaving like Affleck, than to whatever point he was trying to make (we’re all so mean? I dunno).

So his argument boils down to, “Don’t take the word of a woman unless there’s hard evidence backing it and it leads to a conviction—if there’s any doubt at all, the man is always right.”

PC-fueled sense of indignation