
Shit like this is why I get pretty mad at people praising the “good pope”. Ain’t no such thing as a “good” pope. I’ve met plenty of good Catholics who were good people, but they’re good people despite it, not because of it. The church needs an overhaul for the 21st century. They only stopped doing stuff like this

Or how does an individual, homeless person not morally want healthcare for her/himself?

And Shakespeare in Love wasn’t even nominated.

They are protesting to demonstrate opposition to his agenda. The majority of voters opposed the radical changes in policy Donald proposed. He does not have a mandate to enact all those changes and demonstrating the people’s strong opposition publicly is important to drive that point home and encourage the opposition

Dear Brad,

I’m really sorry you don’t have privacy. It always feels especially shitty when I’m on display and life is complicated and/or messy.

I would say to go ahead and watch. There are things that will make you very angry, but the photography is gorgeous and there are fine moments too. It’s melodrama to the nth degree. Besides, it’s a cultural event and you will be left out of discussions like this one if you don’t watch. There is much to enjoy when

“Elizabeth, a woman who seems incapable of doing anything other than brushing her hair.”

Kara; “ 2016 Lindsay Lohan and her bootleg Madonna-goes-to-Pemberley accent”. What an ace, mate.

I must say I’m starting to have some doubts about this Trump gentleman. I initially quite liked his idea to make America great again; I was lucky enough to visit the country recently and I rated it only “very good” rather than “great” (I knocked a mark off because the hotel kept forgetting to change our towels and

That man looks cold.. We should get him a blanket

I didn’t see it coming at all, and it was a punch in the gut. I guess I’m thick.

I kind of always felt that Carrie being who Carrie is in real life was in some ways making fun of herself with this sketch. As a somewhat overly sincere feminist, I found this sketch in particular as funny as fuck. You could only hit some of these touchstones if you **really know** feminism in a way that only people

Brilliant. Clinton is so much better than she’s given credit for. She’s intelligent, thoughtful, and experienced. She’s made mistakes, but so have we all. Plus, she’s learned from them, which unfortunately cannot be said for Trump.

Stoprobbers, I’m just as excited as you are. :)

I know this is a way that people seem bizarrely reluctant to put it but: YOU GUYS. WE ARE ELECTING THE FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT.

Honestly, Jezebel and Gawker are blatantly pro-Sanders in their coverage.

Bernie is becoming a hypocritical dick with his double standards. I like his policies but he’s a tool.

I am just so happy and proud of New York voting for Hillary. I know many states have done it before, and many states will do it after, but I am just over the moon about this win. Because, it really does mean, that there is such a possibility that I will get to see a woman become president before I’m 30. I just wish my

We don’t. It isn’t going to happen. We’re not going to get an article about how weird it is for a candidate to leave the country right before a primary he really needs to win in order to visit the head of an institution as regressive as the Catholic Church. We’re certainly not going to get one about how his campaign

Standing ovation. I am so sick of this “Hillary is basically Reagan in a wig!” shit. She’s voted with Bernie 93% percent of the time. She seems to truly prioritize women’s access to reproductive healthcare, which is basically my #1 issue when voting. Hell, she actively blocked the nomination of an FDA head over OTC