
Oh Mary, we all understand how you stay employed. You're one of the most genuinely awesome people in sports television, sort of an anti-Collinsworth, and you know your stuff like few others. I raise a glass to you.

This was taken at the Belmont at 2011. Costas was on the platform to give his 45 seconds on the mic before the race, and everyone at the starting gate was pretty drunk and yelling at him. Costas came over to greet the crowd, and a dude chucked this full Coors Light to him.


Until the Palestinians apologize for the actions of their soldier Goliath, nothing else can be talked about.

The whole goddamned sport is garbage.

"She's also an outlier in that at 5'4" and 105 lbs, her height-weight combination put her slightly below the threshold doctors who use the BMI scale would consider "healthy." She's also below what Weight Watchers would consider healthy for her height."

Interesting. So when it comes to overweight people, BMI is garbage…

someone had left an indeterminate amount of semen on the sheets of the second bed, and those sheets had been taken away for cleaning, and hadn't come back.

Come on Syracuse, use your head. You're up by 3 with under 5 seconds left and Duke needs a 3, why do you let them shoot it? Foul them before the shot and put them at the line to shoot 2.

"Wow, that guy's got a huge dick!"

Not really:

Annie Leibovitz, one of the most celebrated photographers in the history of the art, a bad photographer.

I wish there was someone writing for Jezebel who actually had a basic understanding of photography and the process of retouching because no, they just balanced the whites.

It's not even laziness. It takes effort to unlearn things like capitalizing and paragraph breaks. It's not the kind of mistake made by someone with limited writing skills; it's an intentional effort to appear "quirky".

It's common practice where I'm from to say "excuse me" when you think you might potentially violate someone's space. Just last week I said "excuse me" when putting my carry-on in the overhead bin, because I knew I was going to be temporarily impeding a person's personal space.

Yeah, I felt the author came off as more of an asshole than the other person.

How dare that man want to fly in peace and be comfortable in his own seat that he paid for. CLEARLY only Lindy should be comfortable on a plane. Clearly. violated someone's space, he muttered something sotto voce, then you went and wrote an angry screed about it?

I've seen/heard him DJ.