
I've seen/heard him DJ.

I'd be very suspect of this report, as 1) is not legally possible to refuse release and 2) the quotation reported as new by Animal NY is in tact from this report by RT in October, month ago:

You are not obligated to respond to anyone. He is not entitled to sex or a girlfriend because he sent her a message. She does not owe him sex because he told her she was hot. She is not a bitch. Youre an asshole. Get it?

This woman is a literal human trafficker and slaver, her being strip searched (which is standard procedure for all inmates) is perhaps the least barbaric part of this entire affair.

You know, I totally get that this is mainly about the abuse of Photoshop and its use in setting this ideal way women are "supposed" to look. I get it. It's bad. Yeah. I know.

Man: [Collapses]

Rain. Cold, cold rain.

"which not only boasts repeating the word "pussy" 56 times, but also is an actual proposal song to a woman's sex organs"

Turns out, street racing on surface streets and/or freeways is a bad fucking idea.

Feel bad for the kids with clearly terrible parents.

Don't you feel bad flying with an infant? There are dozens of people who will suffer so that you can bring your precious snowflake someplace? What on earth does a 13mo infant need to travel for?

I tried, TRIED to watch this special. Like most, I have a special affinity for the Muppets. This was a disaster! We get it, you're DIFFERENT. The entire show was but a stage to profess her oddity. Weird glasses made out of Coca-Cola can tops, check. Outfits whose sole pupose it seems is to distract from the show,

An hour long infomercial for her DOA album costarring a drag queen and a really grumpy queen bombed in the ratings?

Aw, sad (that they didn't kill off everyone).

This looks darkroomed. I can tell from some of the grains and from seeing quite a few rooms in my time.

So, obese now equals normal. Oh America...

Sigh. You can't be a self-proclaimed 'provocateur', and then get mad when people are provoked. You just jumped the shark, Gaga.

But did Jack White look good in the sundress?

Its terrible, because the type of people these clinics target are people with low socio-economic positions, who (generally/stereotypically) are poorly educated. Most well educated women would say "how the fuck does getting something out of my body cause something totally unrelated to grow somewhere else" but if you've

Babies don't need to breathe until after they're born. While they're still attached to the placenta they get their oxygen from their mothers.