
Five Guys is totally awful. I've had better hamburgers from Mcdonalds. Add their bad food to the horrific way you order, with the staff all yelling to each other makes it a place I'd never go to if you paid me. One opened up down the street from me, now its a Starbucks. Normally Starb's replacing something is bad, but

a team full of MLS players took Belgium to the brink in the Round of 16

This one is the funniest.



Lindy, you do not have to write in that try-hard affected tone.

You have the vocabulary and cadence of a child and you should not be typing things on computers.



None of these recipes are complicated...

Hey, just an FYI... people don't always need to post a youtube of a Family Guy thing to every story.


These are all basically normal foods that normal people eat. Do you never cook for yourself? What do you normally eat?

"STAHP! BC she's TOTES ADORBS rite y'all? " -Lindy

Nobody cares about your pet project. Sorry.

The places that are pictured are the red areas. The gray ones are the shitty neighborhoods that are not being gentrified. You can tell what will be the good ones in the future by overlaying a subway map (it will line up with the red areas here).

I think it warrants considering her as the daughter of a successful PR person who PR'd her ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE music into headlines all every blog and magazine.

I am more offended by the ransom-note font soup in the ad.

Its like. The future, man. The future.

Lindy, you don't have to write in that teenager-style way with made up words and all caps. Your ceickbait titles will pull people in without resorting to stunts.