
Because Noah sees Alison as his muse and he's hoping to get another story out of this. I can't see any other reason for their"relationship".

That wasn't rape, it was consensual. Noah said married people don't have sex like that and made it rape to make himself feel better about being a married person who didn't have sex like that. Noah actually did rape her later though

When did cole hold Allison at gunpoint? If that was shown from either Alison or Noah's perspective it likely didn't happen at all.

Yeah, this is what I was thinking, too. I thought she would been open to him but, alas, she has numerous prejudices to get over and alot to learn about the world.

I like this. I'm going to grab it and make it my hope, too. I think they're good and sweet together and want each to be happy

Yeah, I agree with that too. Slipping back to easy times with Daniel was easy bc it came at a time when she was feeling weak and the titular insecure. Will be interesting to see how how this is explored next season.

Was Molly rude to the teacher because he was Asian or because she was just being petty and salty because of her beef with Issa? I thought he was cute and might be a cute option for her, but she shut him down swiftly (and rudely)

" I don't think it was just guilt about her actions"

I’m surprised at this review, and others for this season, that seem to imply that Lawrence is responsible for Issa’s happiness and that he has actively been trying to suck it form her since the start of the season. To suggest that he was damn near perfect in this episode insinuates that he was totally inept prior to

I'm not sure she's really over him. I think she's disappointed in herself and projecting that onto/blaming him.

There are a lot of high end outlets in California with a lot of deals. Like mad deals. Kenzo is sold in Nordstrom rack neiman marcus outlet, and in modified form at H&M. Nothing she has on is out of bounds for someone working at a nonprofit.

You know all black guys? Lmao

I'm surprised that people are rooting for the side relationships. When there are problems in a core relationship something new and shiny and different always seems better by comparison. Doesn't mean it's a viable alternative.

I just binge watched this show over the last two days and cannot believe how good it is and how long it's taken me to watch. Everything about it is just what I want in a show - funny, realistic, and relevant. Can't wait till next season. Keep up the insightful reviews for this show,AV Club!

He's not running for president so what difference does it make. It's sexist to pin his issues on his wife so it's all a distraction from the horrible things the person who *is* running has done.

That was nice. The reverse was also true - jamie looked to be pretty in awe of Claire, even bowing. These two actors are good at these kings of subtle intimate moments with the characters. I wish they had more opportunities for those kinds of scenes.

Yeah, I liked the idea of it but I still think it went a step too far in the books. The bodice ripping was over the top. And being exposed like that in front of a bunch of people is humiliating, whether that was the intent or not.

Usually when Jamie or Claire turn into assholes (yes, in my view Claire can be a huge asshole in the books, too) in the books it's because of overreach and/or inconsistent plot or characterization work by the author. When she is seemingly more interested in inserting a certain salacious of provocative scene than in

Voyager is my favorite too. The print shop scene is among my favorites in the whole series plus we meet so many new characters that have quickly become my favorites. Perfect balance of drama humor reconciliation surprise - it has it all

Yes, I think they can improve on that. They've improved and streamlined a number of convoluted plots, so I think they could handle this. I hope he's Mackenzie from the start. I love the nickname Roger Mac.