
I did the exact same thing! The Gerber pliers multitool is a waste of money.

I have the utmost respect for Gymnasts!

Absolutely loved watching that, Thanks!

Hearted! But Ewww!



Ummm... binoculars!

Sooo... If the truck drives too fast, on American roads, and gets pulled over for speeding, could/should the officer write tickets for each and every car in the convoy?

OK, here's what I think...

Reading all of these posts from so many of our service men and women makes me proud!

And thank you for your service! [respect]

I want to see him doing a wheelie on that thing!

I can't tell you how many 100 hour weeks I put in at various jobs. Then, at the lovely age of 42 I had my first heart-attack, brought on completely by stress. Two years later, a triple bypass surgery. Stress kills! Now I play much more golf and poker than ever before and I laugh at every opportunity. Oh, and I

There are laws that prevent this from being acceptable behavior. I [assume] those laws arose due to insurance companies and their treacherous lawyers!.

Wish I could promote that! :-)


Holy futuristic - slinky, Batman!

I live in Germany.

Patience, obviously what this woman has a crap-ton of, is, truly, a virtue!

One of the all-time best videos I have EVER watched! Thank you so very much!