
"Taste like chicken!"

Whoah there.

I would think that, with the value of all that was stolen, Grand Larceny would be more appropriate.

I sooo want that as a ringtone!

I blame taste and the aroma!

Wow! I hope they have a marvelous time together.

It's the same woman.

444 and I read as little as possible [narcoleptic].

Exactly! Thanks!

1. The human Nervous system


OK, so you seal your drive with your wax Honko, let it dry for say 10 minutes, just to be sure, then you place the thumb drive in your pocket, like everybody does and the minute you move or sit down, the force on the drive to bend at it's natural point, where the separation of the two parts of the case are, will crack

"With that, it sends down microwave pulses, and then..."

Ahhhh... Pink Floyd art; I can appreciate that in any form!!!

Another case that should have never been allowed!

There have been more attempts stopped "dead in their tracks" than you could possibly know about unless you are part of the group.... Just sayin'!

And what if you were deaf???

Awesome! Just awesome!

The video said "65 Meter", not "The 150-foot-wide (46 meters) object ..."

Forever, or at least until a salvage/scrap firm gets hold of it.