
No offense, but you don’t know WTF this argument is about. White women have always been able to use whatever product they want. The issue is this particular company wouldn’t exist today without massive support of unmixed black women with nappy hair. Like, high multi-millions of revenue because nobody else cared to

Brave is a word I would use to describe a woman willing to fuck your disgusting ass.

The first step in ethnic cleansing, is to dehumanize people by using terms like “illegals.” They are human beings, with families and feelings. Unlike you, who is a thoughtless pig fuck, who is no doubt unloved and a miserable twat.

I really don’t think he’s brainy.

Lol, I don’t know why this made me chuckle.

I guess the same reason the Kardashians thought people would get a prepaid credit card that they were hawking. It had ridiculous fees so they had to cut it out.

Oh shit, can you imagine how they could possible do Fledgling?!

Mother and baby, together forever:

She didn’t want to live without her daughter. I’m ugly crying.

I’ve got some shit to say about Ryan Gosling.

I would also like to become Mrs. Robot.

So many people have devoted 25+ years of their lives to obtaining a PhD, academic research, and writing to teach at a world renowned university. If Angelina Jolie was teaching my class I would want my money back.

I predict Brad will reunite not with Jennifer but with Gwenyth Paltrow. Angelina will break up another marriage but this time it will be either a European director with UN ties or a diplomat. Either French or Italian. The kids will split between the two parents. Half will hate Brad. The other half will hate Angelina.

I think people seem to forget about how much France suffered during both World Wars.

Ah, the reality buffs, I speak of the caricature of the French as depicted in current culture and did so as a slight attempt at humor. Please, those of you who are incensed at my apparent lack of sensitivity, be assured that I hold no life cheap and no lost of life a worthless thing. I am sure the French have their

Lol I love when I see people make that comment about the french.

If it wasn't for the French, America wouldn't exist.

Those facts really happened. My Grandfather Alfredo was 18 y.o. in 1917 and was guarding the Italian trenches in one cold, damp and foggy winter night. Too bad that he had a 39° fever and was quite disconnected, so that when he ended his shift and he had to return to his platoon, he mistook his path and ended in the

I'm sure the drones will eventually find common cause against their masters.

No, I'm sorry, where are these hordes of lesbians and queer women saying "YES! Blue-haired white twentysomething waifes having ridiculously clinical sex are a perfect reflection of who we as a community are! My God, why did no one ever think of this before!" "The best sex I've ever seen on screen" from one lesbian is