
I'm glad she isn't "directly" involved. Does she get any money, though? Would any portion of my purchase go to that bigot? 

As a Mexican, I will say that if it’s offensive to you, stand by that, if it’s not offensive to you, stand by that, and if you’re a company who hears that enough people are not on board with something like this that you no longer feel comfortable about it and you want to wipe it off the board, stand by that as well.

I’m not Mexican, I’m Puerto Rican. I’m annoyed that about 95% of Latino culture is left on the cutting room floor for stereotypical Mexican and chicano signifiers.

I don’t know why this needs to be said, but if you’re Latino and not offended, that’s cool. That doesn’t make this not-offensive to some of us.

As a Latinx person, please let me say - those emotes are totally, totally not fine.

Definitely piqued my chu.

Cosmetic items and matchmaking issues aren’t even dealt with by the same team, so your argument isn’t valid. You honestly think the 5 people are foregoing fixing disconnect issues because they’re too busy making emotes?