
But, it is offensive. The offense lies in the erasure. That erasure is offensive. Removal of the emotes is a good first step, with better inclusion down the line being the best result. That takes time, though.

From what I understand, the story itself is set primarily, if not completely, in the Injustice world/timeline. There is a game mode called “Multiverse”, but it is really just a mode with randomized fight/environment modifiers that you fight on; no story elements there.

Anansi Boys

Total spoilers for those who have not read the book. Stop reading. Seriously. Super excited for this, and I’m sure the changes being made are to better adapt the story to a TV series format, but isn’t that opening scene a little too heavy on the foreshadowing?

I made my male Agent with a butterfly neck tattoo and an eyebrow piercing. If I can find some Ed Hardy looking clothes and a matching scarf, I am going to hunt down every needy civilian.