Sexy jellyfish.
Sexy jellyfish.
It's even funnier that (as Jon Stewart pointed out on TDS) in the same damn show, he got all faux outraged at OBUMMER for the latte salute because it was 'disrespectful' to our men and women in uniform.
A group of veterans are formally critcizing Fox News' Greg Gutfeld and Eric Bolling after they made some incredibly…
Malachi McCourt described it as letting go of the two buckets if shit you're carrying around, because you can't grab anything better if you're carrying a bucket of shit in each hand. It doesn't mean absolution.
As Testa mentions in her piece, trans inmates are 13 times more likely to get raped in prison than non trans inmates.
I believe you mean you'd wait a week in the Red Tent for it.
It is really annoying how Jezebel writers keep coming to your home and pasting articles about Miss America to all of your furniture so you can't avoid reading them.
Can't wait to hear everyone talk about why this hazing isn't a big deal without explaining why it's not a big deal.
So is this more condiments for your total nothing burger?
I start each day with a fresh nothing burger. It's my favorite meal.
I save my vulvadoodles for dessert, only after I've finished all my nothing burger and stupid lasagna.
why are there not fifty thousand movies about these chicks. fifty. thousand.
When my daughter was four she asked what her "front butt" was called. And I told her that it was her labia. And she said, "LABIA?!!? THAT'S a STUPID name! I'm gunna call it HOT LAVA instead." After I died from trying to choke back the laughter, I reminded her we don't say stupid.
You should read Protecting the Gift by Gavin de Becker, for real. It's a great book and has a lot in there about protecting kids and teaching them to protect themselves. Very practical advice too.
"When the wise man points at the moon, the idiot looks at the finger."
I, for one, am glad that she specified that he's wearing shoes on BOTH of his feet.
Speak for yourself. I got really, really into Shiva-worship after I played Final Fantasy that one time.
If having a birthday is wrong then I don't want to be right. It's our yearly reminder of how life is finite and brief and constantly shrinking. And that's awesome!
That history isn't actually true. Christianity never suffered the mass persecution that some early "historians" invented. ike today's Christians, they were so bad at history that they claimed to be thrown to the lions in the Colosseum during a time period where the Colosseum didn't even exist.
Maybe a walk-in urgent care clinic would be a good solution? I've found there's less wait time than the hospital or even the doctor's office.