Sister Wolf

THIS! :) This x 100! She is brilliant!

Jesus, I wish I was as badass a teacher as Snape.

Knights of the Round is WAY better for worship. And for giving you enough time to empty your bladder and refill your drink.

C'mon, her sorority sister HAS to stand up for her, right?

"Guise it's totes okay! I was hazed too!"

Had the weirdest experience at a speakeasy last night. First of all, OMG speakeasy. There I am drinking this Pimms cup, and there was kind of a handsy drunk guy, and I wasn't into him, but I just also didn't care. Like, there was nothing threatening about this dude, he was just touching me, and I was too busy drinking

Your response sounds like mine, except that I have depression. Tasty food makes everything feel better, until it doesn't.

Like so many british things, I find this phrasing sexy in a restrained way.

We grow up with this incredible sense of entitlement about our parents. They're "ours" and we don't much like to think of them as separate entitied the way we do about, say, our friends.

Would you like some guest posts from a "thicker, older chick"?

Jeebus. I save so much money when I skip meat.

It makes economic sense for schools and teaches kids to appreciate eating a variety of things.

I have heard that veggie haggis is pretty delish.

On NPR one time she talked about Spam as a secret food pleasure. Of course I went out and bought a can and cooked it the way she said and it was fucking delicious.

Alas, my career has decreed otherwise.

Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ. Another reason to stay out of the Indiana kink scene!

My freedom of speech tells me to say that you live under a bridge and eat sheep.

Clearly you weren't actually paying attention in any of those places or you would understand that freedom of speech is not the same as freedom from the consequences of speech.

Such as? I am a fan of not as much money.

Thank you for reminding me to sit down with the middle school advisory tomorrow and talk about this while they all turn red like beets.