Sister Wolf

I talked to 90 seventh graders about it in math class today. The results were interesting. Some of them weren't sure who to be mad at so they were mad at me.

My eyes are all wet again!

What can we do for this guy?

Also they are really good at low carb or low WW points. Damnit.

I can't even figure out why burner accounts need image posting rights. I mean, I love fuck you cat as much as the next girl, but it's not a necessary feature for dialog.

Martha Stewart also is a fan. .

I actually really love that stuff fried in butter.

When you publish your cookbook please let me know.

gin and tonics!


Oo, or you could use that salt for a margarita and make a drinking game out of it. Teenager acts shity? Drink!

This might be just a thing that you have to tolerate with teenagers - you set your boundaries and hold firm on them, and roll your eyes at the rest of the crap. Hang in there, lady!

Loving this. Cat jams, clearly, Stray Cat Strut.

I have a guest-cat named Sam right now who really wants to be friends. Small dogs or kitties will probably be fine. :)

I saw the lobster too! Let us drink pink sparkling wine and eat crustaceans together!

I don't want to be a bitch here, but has it occurred to anyone else that it's not her question, they're responding to, it's her public persona. If you are a person well-known on the internet for taking an extreme position on just about anything, haters are gonna hate like crazy. No, it's not fair or even cool, but

And people wonder why I don't have a religion. But, Wolf, you protest, #notallreligions (meaning yours) and I think to myself, fuck that, because if we actually lived as if human life was a precious and limited commodity, we might not have to report on news stories like this.

#notallreligons #rightbutitstillmakesthoseonessuck

I make my presentations in shorts and ratty t-shirts. Since I work for a 1:1 school and the students have my skype, this could be a problem.

Also all that pre-service training would have been fantastic with fucking highballs.