Sister Wolf

I would laugh if I wasn't crying.

I have a pair of children's safety-tip scissors from Fiskars in my craft room. They are amazing and I use them for all sorts of things including cutting paper. And a Montressori school might let a child do even more - the trick is teaching them to use the items safely. So don't sell her potential contribution short

I can't blame the kid for staying out of it - in fact, kudos, kid, for being brave enough to stand there and film that crazy lady. I would have run like heck!

Ugh. At my last school parents got involved in their children's drama all the time, and vice versa. There were actual family feuds and everything.

I think I would like to meet you. And your SpiderFriend.

I thought so too, but actually I don't think they tried to top her. They did something different. It could be cute. I mean, I doubt Cameron Diaz'll be singing that song with the bathtub gin - way hard to update for a modern setting - but this has potential. And by potential, I mean the kid.

My mother had two dresses like this, sans train, that she made and wore in the 70s... one in black, one in white. Nice try, Prada.

Better headline, "Many Journalists Don't Understand Statistics!"

This! 1000 x this.

So if I wanted to start reading this one in anticipation of the movie, where would be a good place to start?

I use it with my students SO MUCH! That and the fogging! "I'm sorry you feel that way, but you still need to write in your journal!"

Is Arie Crown the one in McCormick place? Rufus Wainwright definitely opened, but my friends were all like "we're going to hang out in the lobby and try to sell this fourth ticket we have but could not use."

Was that the Strange Little Girls Concert? What city did you see it in? I saw it in Chicago.

Now playing

Tsel has been to Tori concerts TWICE and TWICE she has played tsel's favorite song, which is Flying Dutchman. Also, nice to meet you Steve.

I don't know how to be gentle about this, but the general perception among educators is that doing TFA does not make you a good person. Indeed, since you will not be a union member, you will be a scab. We would like you to join us in our amazing profession, but we would prefer you join the profession through the

Thanks. Gonna add it to the family South Beach board. Yay Pinterest for making this diet kind of fun!

I am about to start South Beach again, and you give me hope. Which recipe did you use?

I hate being hit on by people I am not interested in. Instead of being flattered, I never know how to be like, "no thanks, not interested," without being hurtful.

I have a book I always recommend for dealing with unavoidable assholes - When I Say No, I Feel Guilty, by Manuel Smith. It's an oldie but a goodie - the techniques for dealing assertively with jerks really do work.

I think I am eating leftover whole wheat spaghetti, because for lunch I went out and had shrimp and bacon fajitas.