My mom read a book years ago called, "Toxic Patents," and it helped her deal with her own basement-hoarding parents. Perhaps it would be a helpful read. In the meanwhile, all the love and feels.
My mom read a book years ago called, "Toxic Patents," and it helped her deal with her own basement-hoarding parents. Perhaps it would be a helpful read. In the meanwhile, all the love and feels.
My mom read a book years ago called, "Toxic Patents," and it helped her deal with her own basement-hoarding parents. Perhaps it would be a helpful read. In the meanwhile, all the love and feels.
You are not a shitty son. You are an adult with your own shit to handle. Do not let your parents failure to get help be YOUR problem. It is their problem.
You are not a shitty son. You are an adult with your own shit to handle. Do not let your parents failure to get help be YOUR problem. It is their problem.
The fact that I was covered in Star Trek stickers and drawing the insignia all over my hands might have been a clue. ;)
Shoot, it's like no one on the internet has ever been south of the Mason-Dixon line.
Ehhhh. A lot of artists depictions of goblins have distorted and enlarged features. It seems to be part of the shtick.
Shit, it's like no one on the Internet has ever been south of the Mason-Dixon Line.
As a young newlywed couple with their first new Christmas tree, my parents left the apartment one morning, saying goodbye to their precious black kitten as they went off to work, blithely thinking that nothing could possibly go wrong.
Ooo, ooo. With Betty White as Berthe.
Mildly related tangent: how the hell do I teach my nine year old students with learning disabilities in Whitiana to be accepting and tolerant when I can't even get them to be tolerant of the annoying kid in our class who otherwise looks just like them?
I... what is this.... I don't even. Seriously, dudes? This is the best you can think of?
Fuck the chocolate squares. I got stuck on 65 months ago and quit because of chocolate squares.
Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing. $12.86, (free shipping with prime) from
Hey. You are awesome. I just thought you should know.
Tell them that every time you saw that post you gave another $1 to the DNC. Thank them for their contribution to the campaign to elect Hillary in 2016.
Apparently you were supposed to have a psychic alarm that alerted you to the presence of vegetarians.
Thanksgiving with my late grandmother were always something of a stressful affair, particularly after my grandfather died. This particular Thanksgiving, my sister instituted a policy where whenever something terrible and awkward happened, we would sneak out to the back porch and do a vodka shot. We managed to make it…
Do German teachers get paid a living wage? I could move.
Omg me too. Exactly this.