
I’m a presbyterian (PC-USA) and your thoughts very closely mirror my own. Thanks for posting your message.

Wow, thank you for bringing this up. This is a big part of straight privilege right here. I just want the bigots to go away without thinking of how it would affect those who are LBGTQ. I even use the same argument when people say the South should be cut loose... what about those of us who are minorities here? Isn’t it

My mom is in the same situation. She’d like to stay because her congregation shares her liberal and pacifist views. The UMC needs to accept that a schism is inevitable if they want to be on the right side of history. This is taking too long.

Has the hierarchy of the UMC ever visited their own church in Hollywood? It’s long been the most inclusive mainline denomination church in town. (The AIDS ribbon has been there for 25 years)


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I like Denzel but check James Earl Jones performance.

If that kid can’t make it a few hours without a beer I think he has a real problem.

The only reason we elected Arnold was because 2/3 of the state is either his secret child or his secret lover.

Scott is having trouble with drinking and he is worried about all the responsibilities of being a new father

Now playing

Girl I think it's gonna be ok. I was very worried about the singing - but then someone on the Interwebs made this video:

You know who like the most effeminate man in the Bible is? Jesus. So you better check yourself son.

I hate all birds. Every last one of them. The bigger ones are higher up the list.

I have a strong dislike/irrational fear of ANYTHING with wings. Damn all of you with the gift of scare me and I want you gone.

"If that was not correct, then it was a mistake."

A person's a person no matter how brown.

Thanks EGR! The legend of Artem Chubarov grows to this day!

Perfect! And instead of dancing, they could sit in chairs facing each other in the middle of the dancefloor, with daughter glaring unblinkingly, and daddy comically pulling at his shirtcollar.

Thank you! My whole take on Genesis is this:

I also received this. Me, my penis, and my testes are now all looking at each other silently, wondering which one of us is pregnant.

This was actually a lie that I told. When I was four, my aunt got a divorce. My family and I visited Minnesota to visit her, and she took us for a ride in her new speed boat. It was the best thing that had ever happened to my landlocked, Iowan self.