Makeup companies are notoriously overvalued. I work in M&A, so I’ve seen some of the garbage that passes for a “300 million dollar business.”
Makeup companies are notoriously overvalued. I work in M&A, so I’ve seen some of the garbage that passes for a “300 million dollar business.”
And what’s awful is that his lawer is blaming it on his “autism”. How dare he? There are a huge number of autism men that manage to live their lives WITHOUT RAPING AND MURDERING WOMEN.
I don’t get it either. Some abusers like Weinstein can get away with it because they have a lot of power. When was R Kelly last relevant? It’s not even a question with regard to how he treats young women - it’s a well documented history. The only problem I have is that maybe they should have delayed the documentary…
Am I the only one that really hates beyonce? I mean I know it’s a very unpopular opinion I just think she is so over hyped and I don’t like her voice at all. All the hype surrounding her annoys the shit out at me.
Look, I get that she is an example of intersectional feminism (WOC, sex-positive, feminist opinions that are not academic) but I have a problem with the way every single fucking article conveniently overlooks her expressions of bigotry, leaving it up to the readers to invariably get all REEEEEE in the comments. Yes,…
I was thinking about the Iggy Azalea comparison the other day too. It’s so obvious this woman is going to be totally forgotten in two years when the novelty of her awful boob job wears off. I’m ready for Jezebel to start posting weekly articles on some other no-talent, stat.
Oh hey look, ANOTHER breathless Cardi B article, following on the heels of one yesterday. I can’t wait to see what Jez has to say about Cardi B tomorrow!
She is as vulgar as the Trumpster in chief. The pop star this age deserves..
Or has a great PR team. Doesn’t it sometimes feel like pieces like this one should be marked “sponsored”?
Girl you knooooooooooooow Jezebel keeps “forgetting” this happened. At this point they just need to have a once a week daily worship session for Cardi B. Its getting to be a bit much.
No, you’re accountable for the things you say. And she said some dumb crap. Defending her partner’s homophobic remarks is not an act that’s beyond her control.
She’s in her early 20s, has just become insanely famous, and has decided to get engaged to a probable knucklehead and have a baby. This is a bad decision for this point in her life and career.
Oh PUH-LEEZE, that spoiled plasticized bitch is not changing any diapers. She probably barely touches the kid.
Yeah? And I am woman of mixed race who voted for Hillary. I was hoping that all of my left-leaning friends would end up doing the same, despite all their complaints about her. NOPE. Only a handful voted for Hills, the rest cast their little bullshit “protest” third-party votes for Jill Stein. And when I’m talking…
No nominations for The Good Place or Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, but the insipid Will & Grace revival is up for Best Comedy?