
Sarah H Sanders

The mirror deserves to be seen by one and all.

Ok, here goes. Writing this out makes me want to barf. 

Around five years ago, I was a TA for an undergraduate literature course that had 300 students; there were two TAs and our job was mostly to do grading (sigh) and hand out exams and set up PowerPoints and stuff of that nature. Basically, assist the professor in all manner of tedium while she lectured. Due to a

I’m sure this will be buried, and it’s not terribly frightening, but it involves supernatural phenomenons/phenomena/whatever:

We had squirrels in our attic a couple years ago (took a couple weeks to trap them all). One thing you touched on that I learned from the experience was that, while I’m not normally afraid of squirrels, it is unbelievably terrifying to find one IN YOUR HOUSE. At one point during the ordeal, I opened the hall closet

Let this be the first and only joke of its kind.

I don’t know what I’m going to do when 30 Rock leaves Netflix. I’m genuinely distraught.

Madeleine, I just love you and Megan together, I really thought I would miss Bobby more (I also get my Bobby fix from Who? Weekly podcast), I loved your banter but you and Megan got a good thing going on!!! And screw those idiots saying you and Meg have vocal fry, they are wrong!!!!

I think this level of celeb is the best subject material.


Thank you for having this conversation with your nephew!! The “friendzone” only exists in the minds of people who live there...because when someone does not reciprocate romantic interest, you have the choice to accept that and stay in their lives on those terms or move on entirely. The people who talk about the

I am going to call bullshit with Manwich’s statement. Consent may be withdrawn at any time. And, even if that consent is not or can not be verbalized (be it through intimidation, inebriation or being drugged, etc)... and especially when our right to give/refuse consent is taken away. It is that denial of our rights,

I’m a bit disheartened by the negative comments on here. Madeline went into this with a healthy dose of skepticism and doubt (and left with equally healthy doses of both..) But it sounds like she also clearly experienced a deep release and relief of an anxiety that has plagued her for years. That sounds invaluable to

Diane for president!

I do too, but you’re holding down the fort beautifully. The two of you did have a really nice rapport though, so I hope he can come back in some kind of guest host capacity from time to time.

Thank you for this article. I am at present going through this right now. I am gonna bite the bullet and take my braids down next week and go 100% natural (minus hair color). I am finding it rather nerve-wracking. I haven’t been natural since I was a kid, and I’ve grown up with people being fascinated about black

Certain of his books are really, really good. Others were written during cocaine and alcohol-fueled binges (Cujo, Tommyknockers) that they really don’t hold up well. King apparently doesn’t remember writing Cujo, since he was blackout drunk during most of the writing process.