Sister Mary David Joseph Battleax

I’m also very concerned about these two things. Especially how to determine what kind/dose to give. A gazillion years ago in my early 20s I was having migraines and seizure like episodes that doctors couldn’t figure out. Then I went to a new OBGYN and were going through my history. She thought I might be allergic to

Better to be dumped at the bus stop than to be dumped in a hole in the forest.

Hoping for marital privilege?

and what the fuck happened to Rikkon? he wandered away and didn’t come back?

IIRC he’s on record as saying that if he dies and the series is unfinished, then as far as he’s concerned it can stay that way. Once I heard that I decided I was uninterested in reading the books unless he finished the series. (I did give GoT a try when it was new in paperback, got to some gross rape scene, and

Pretty sure he spent all the time set aside for writing in 2015 writing about the Hugo Awards on his livejournal.

I salute you- Let’s meet back here in 9 years (hey, I’m optimistic) and you can tell me if it was actually worth it. Good luck with spoilers!

Hard to make that boring but he did.

All the stars. I tried to explain to someone that these books are basically a medieval fashion and food magazine with a fantasy backdrop and got a confused stare.

It could be much worse than you suspect. He may have about 500 pages worth of sumptuous banquets, elaborate silken brocades, repeated character tics, travel scenes, and florid equivocation, all sprouting adjectives like one of those mushroom farms that comes in a box, without even a single plot point worth mentioning.

Yea but none of those were making HBO piles and piles of money.

Mr. Martin, FFS, stop reading Gawker and go write something.

The purpose of the article is to express the opinion that this dude may well have no pages.

The first thing I did was “control F” to make sure the word “degloved” was nowhere to be found in this article.

I only really started to loathe Xander when he stood up Anya at their wedding and humiliated her. Because he got cold feet? Ridiculous. She always was too good for him. Xander is a huge, huge wuss.

I resent the hell out of this. Yes, colorism is a HUGE problem in Hollywood. However, don’t belittle the accomplishments of any light skinned black woman that has made a good career for herself. We don’t accomplish shit by tearing each other down. I can guaran-fucking-tee you that Dorothy Dandridge and Lena Horne,

Seriously, fuck Xander. I could understand Riley’s crisis in and of itself, but not the way he dealt with it with regard to Buffy, and Xander was even worse!

Oh Riley, why did you have to turn into the world’s douchiest douche (excluding Xander, who is of course the universe’s douchiest douche) in the next season? I liked you and then you had to pull the old “But I’m a maaaaaaaaaan, I should be stronger. You aren’t dependent enough and thats why all my terrible behavior is

This is only for the South Korean women and it’s taken all these decades for even this much responsibility to be taken. What about the women of all the other countries under Japanese control at the time? This was a wide-spread system. I’d bet most of the women didn’t even survive their treatment.

Who is this person? I literally had to google her and even then spelled her name incorrectly several times.