Sister Mary David Joseph Battleax

No, he cannot keep track. It is well known that he has a handful of superfans that help him. They check for continuity errors, and whatever else. The ones that run the Westeros website are two that wrote that compendium book that came out.

The concern should be regarding the Giants. GRRM is a Giants fan. With no playoffs for them, he can turn his attention back to writing. Although more likely to appearances.

Yes, but it allows her that right of refusal. And it allows him to try to prevent her from testifying against him. If she is just the SIL or sidepiece, she can be compelled, like any other witness.

Exactly what I came to say. This doesn’t take into account all the women from China, Philippines, Indonesia, etc.

The hyper groomed eyebrows. Men should not have eyebrows that shaped.

HATED what they did with the character, when they brought him back. hated that he was married and all that BS. I really liked Riley (as I did Angel and Spike). But I hated what they did in the end. I felt like had they not married him off, he could have come back to also help with that “final” apocalypse. And more

Excessive force cases are under the purview of the Civil Rights Division, Criminal Section. Along with hate crimes and involuntary servitude.

And pretty much every male Kennedy.

Speaking of pics, the one referenced in this article as evidence that he returned to NYC is no such thing. This was an old photo that M posted. Research!

Italians do baccala (accent on last a) also. Salted cod. We do it with side of pasta. Other fish/seafood vary; but I think just about every Italian and American Italian does the cod.

Long time lurker. Registered just to respond to you. SOoooooobeen there, done that.