Rob Newcombe

It's a muti-cam sitcom with audience laughter, so if you've grown up with single cams the whole thing might seem really dated, but the writing and performances totally hold up.

I'm really sorry, but the idea of a teenage boy worrying about his mother being a heretic because she doesn't take a sufficiently dim view of his wanking habits is just fucking hilarious to me.

It was an entertaining interview, though. Are the rules of Hatesong really that sacrosanct?

Australia's PM has a Masters in PPE from Oxford and the man can barely string a coherent sentence together.

I mean, I get that it would be a risk insofar as just about any untested property is a risk these days, but I think the OP overstated the case a fair bit. And you're right, there's definitely precedent telling studio heads that female superheros don't work, but the biggest examples I can think of are Catwoman and

But there's a very simple two-word counterpoint to the idea that female-led franchises are a massive economic risk: Katniss Everdeen.

They aren't to create the illusion of height, they're just a style of high heel.

The Aus hip hop community hates her, the press likes writing thinkpieces about her, but Fancy is a fairly big mainstream hit.


This, uh, space agression will not, like, stand, spaceman.

'Cause casual racism is bad for your health.

No, but on Mondays people are really encouraged to focus on sexism.

Don't feel too bad. Australia, the UK, and most of Europe give you guys a run for your money, it's just that you guys have a bigger presence in our news than any of us do in yours.

I'd say it's all on a continuum, though. The big stuff doesn't erase the small stuff from people's lived experience. There's a term I learned recently; "micro-aggression" (sorry if I'm literally the last person on earth to hear the term). It's all the little stupid stuff you're referring to, but the point is that

I think Eat Up Martha is saying that from *their* perspective it being released publicly was the mistake, not that that excuses it for having been written in the first place. No-one is defending the content of the memo, and if there are such people you should probably direct this line of argument at them. They would

That's not so fun when you live here and have to listen to that shit actually being said in the goofiest Australian accent possible.

Yup, that sucks too. Guess what? Two things can suck! More even!

Whenever I see casting announcement involving Robert Forster, I'm like, "The guy from The Go Betweens?"

Or, you know, they did that recently and Sam Wilson has, chronologically, been Cap's partner and best friend for even longer than Bucky so this makes as much organic sense as any major development in the unending soap opera that is pretty much every major superhero comic.

The Long Halloween might be okay if Loeb hadn't felt the need to shoe horn in a Godfather reference about fifty fucking times a page. And if Tim Sale didn't make everyone look like they have water on the brain.