Rob Newcombe

Yes, but again, the Bechdel test is not and never was meant as a simple pass/fail scale. It's a very simple thought experiment that is meant to give an impression of sexism in Hollywood in a broader sense than any individual film.

It can still be a pile of shit though, to be fair.

So you've said.

I quite liked the movie. That people think they are striking a blow for freedom and democracy by giving YouTube six bucks and watching a movie is beyond risible.

You actually don't get the irony of this, do you?

The thing is there's a huge Australian hip hop scene, and our MCs tend to get mocked for doing fake Amrican accents. It's not the done thing. You can be influenced by the music of another culture, but turning it into a game of dress ups is gonna piss people off, especially in the context of black American history.


Logan says fuck quite a bit in the unrated cut too.

They didn't give their consent. End of story. Additionally, a huge number of them have never appeared naked on film or in photoshoots.


That's some textbook O'Neal, and why he remains the undefeated snark master.

Either I've gone insane or that was actually a lot more comprehensible than his old posts.


I saw it with a row of kids behind me and it actually kind of enhanced the experience. I couldn't help but remember seeing Star Wars as a little tacker. Mind you, that coupled with the cinema apparently only having stereo sound meant I missed a bunch of dialogue. Still, not like I won't be seeing it again.

This is really, really pedantic and i apologise, but If you liked the Goodfellas soundtrack, it wouldn't be the exception that proves the rule, it would just be a very notable exception. The exception that proves the rule is something that, on closer inspection, is not actually an exception at all.

I must've heard it before, but I guess it had never registered until that sequence in Guardians. What a fantastic song and use of it.

I could very well be wrong, and don't have the relevant episode to hand. I always heard it as 'rock' and possibly constructed a joke that wasn't there around that misconception.

What's awesome about that bit is he actually sings "I just wanna rock," like he's changed one word of the song and is trying to pass it off as an original number.

I'm imagining you posting in a tux. Assuming it's after 6pm of course.

Oh, is that what it is? I always thought it would just be spelled, like, Samurai I-amurai or something. Totally missed the other layer of wordplay.