Rob Newcombe

I disagree. I can see Marvel going with legacy versions of their big characters rather than recasting when the current actors' contracts expire. They've hardly been subtle in foreshadowing Bucky taking over from Steve in the movies. I wouldn't be surprised at all if this was partly in response to how popular Anthony

Oh, fuck that.

Is that a person who lived?!

Are we talking werewolf cock here?

It sounds to me like neither the character nor the actor was working so they're re-tooling before the series goes beyond pilot stage. Happens all the time. Whether it works not is a different question, but I think you might be reading too much into this for now.

It might make you feel better if you look up the pack of fuckwits Australia just elected.

If I ever come across a thread with people defending either of those things, I'll be right there with you getting worked up.

Sure, but I was just contesting the idea that because of 'political correctness' hip hop artists don't get called out when they say misogynistic shit. R. Kelly is kind of a whole other thing, what with the peeing and the videotaping.

I don't mean to piss you off even more, but you do seem a bit worked up, to be honest.

Fair enough. I should have elaborated on my objection, because I did come off as snide and dismissive.

Wasn't the problem that Robin Thicke is being criticised and punished for stuff hip hop stars go unchallenged on? I was just saying that's demonstrably not the case.

Rather than responding with snark, I'm going to be totally upfront. I'm not comfortable with the mocking way you used the Yes All Women hashtag, because I totally agree with the ideas behind it and the reasons it was used as a counterpoint to "Not all men". So I'm not going to get into this with you, because based on

Why is it incumbent upon Robin Thicke's critics to have a thick skin when he is apparently such a precious flower that he must be defended against a barrage of twitter jibes?

Because he very recently released an entire album that is kind of tantamount to stalking his ex-wife. Do try to keep up.

In fact, do you not remember a few years ago when there was a massive outcry about Rick Ross making a date rape reference in one of his songs? IIRC he lost his Reebok design deal over that whole thing.

Have ya really never heard any criticism of misogynist hip hop lyrics? For realsies?

For some reason I can't edit, but I'm happy to leave that Pat Boone/Pat Bone typo as it is.

I don't know if that's necessarily a worse crime, but it certainly doesn't get focused on enough. Maybe he can be a misogynist and an unoriginal Pat Bone type motherfucker all at the same time.

The person who asked him if Pharrel was going to be writing his best responses was a pretty sick burn, as was the one with the photo of him goosing a visibly uncomfortable fan, IMO.

I honestly didn't. Not because of rapey-ness, just because it didn't hook me at all. How a song that poaches from Marvin Gaye can be so nondescript is beyond me.