
Speaking of which, did anyone else notice the 2005-09 Mustang dash vent in one of the Corvettes? I seeing things here?

“ can’t support the troops and be for national health care; that’s illegal in this country.”

No. Sorry to be the spoilsport here, but damn does this look horrible. Didn’t it was possible to see a trailer for something that might actually make Suicide Squad look good. :/

Cool. I’m nowhere near LA. (It’s a big state) in California. Has been for awhile.

Now just add at least a dollar to that, and it would sound more realistic to some of us who haven’t seen $2 for gas in a very long time. That diesel is looking pretty sweet.

1930's Hellaflush?

Damn. That’s pretty darn gorgeous!

You know...$3.2M really isn’t terrible considering all the travel, effects, and whatnot involved in the production. I mean, Battlestar Galactica used to run a cool $1M an episode back in 78-79, and that was mostly done on a soundstage.

Because it’s awesome and you know it.

This is a similar system to what Audi has in the current SQ7 if I am not mistaken, with respect to the electric compressor?

Not sure if I should admit to actually owning this album. ;)

Yikes! This is why I always put the tires under the frame once I remove them before I even bother climbing under to insert the jacks.

WHEN it’s faster? Where have you been the past 10 years. They already ARE faster by a mile. A stick might be more fun, but these days it is the slower method of shifting.

Slower? What rock have you been hiding under?

Ok, however that is entirely subjective. YOU might have more fun with 3 pedals, while others might have ore fun with a DCT.

Bit of both.

You mean like the GT350R-C that’s been kicking butt and taking names?

It’s bound to happen at some point, might as well accept it. Besides, development of the manual has all but ended - it’s pretty much reached the end of the road. And if the GT350's primary focus is racing, then there is no reason on earth to NOT drop a DSG in the sucker.

Sounds good to me. The question to ask the manual hipsters here is “Why not?”