Sir Trey

It might not even potentially show up this season as much as sometime in the future, similar to the Zygon plot thread from Day of the Doctor or, for an even longer play, Mummy on the Orient Express following up from the very end of Season 5 and a prior Doctor. But I agree, it's hard to judge the ending of the episode

This is probably my second favorite episode of his in the show, which says more about the low regard in which I hold his other episodes than how much I liked this one. The first was, for the record, Robot of Sherwood, which actually felt fun and put together, though I wonder how much of my reception of both episodes

Yes, though I'm not sure how late in the process that happened. IIRC Girl in the Fireplace was originally going to be either the debut or second episode but they felt like it was a bit heavy/complex to start a season so it was slightly pushed back.

It took me a while to realize that one of the reasons I love The Girl in the Fireplace so much is Ten basically ditches Rose for large chunks of the episode.

NBC cross-promotion time!

Eh, if they are they shouldn't be. They've had 32 seasons and only four people have finished the course, one guy twice…granted, it only took them four seasons to get a finisher, but the next one didn't come until season seventeen. So not getting one in seven years but then getting two is a pretty good pace for our

Nobody's won the million in over twelve years through the standard game, it's absolutely ridiculous.

In high school I'd only vaguely heard of Atlas Shrugged and knew of a great quote from it - thanks, Bioshock - and incorporated the book into a short story of mine, to the great surprise of my teacher, who knew where I stood politically.

That's fine too, but there's still a pretty big gap between a more middling reception of his script and "This hack can't write holy shit he's so terrible", which is the kind of stuff you usually come across online.

Fair enough. I'll admit that just on a personal level I find myself increasingly aggravated with the general vibe over certain companies/writers/directors/shows where - most commonly in otherwise intelligent, good-for-discussion communities like this or i09 - it seems to just be collectively decided that X sucks and

And that's fair, but the general shitfest/"how does he keep getting work" has a pretty logical answer, which was my main point. It's not some giant mystery how Lindelof keeps working or what people on a more general sense think of his work…for the most part, it's well-liked, well-reviewed and financially successful.

Food critics, probably less likely, and even if they've enjoyed it they likely wouldn't give it a "good review".

Contrary to popular belief, aside from some very loud and whiny corners of the Internet most people, whether normal viewers or critics, have enjoyed things he's written.

I was just focusing on the shows that premiered this season alone, but yes Brooklyn Nine-Nine is as hilarious in season 2 as it was in its debut, and is also excellent in its diversity.

Major Lilywhite…sure, it's an Austin, Texas joke (Major Applewhite, famous Univ. of Texas @ Austin quarterback), but it's still a hilariously douchey name.

And hell, this is after making the active decision to show your friend, who you know has been a bit emotionally screwed up lately, a video of their ex fiance making out with someone else. I mean, why would you do that?

Half-credit. I mean, "championed" may be a bit much considering he mentioned seeing the "writing on the wall" before even doing the cop show pitch and considering how…off series three often felt with that format change, changing it again, while keeping the show technically on the air, would've likely not helped

The guy was a sleaze, but his "Good cop….horny cop?" line was hilarious.

TV's gone wibbly, and I love it. The CW has great genre fare, some of the best AND most successful new broadcast shows - How to Get Away with Murder, Black-Ish, Fresh off the Boat, Empire, Jane the Virgin - are very diverse. Brave new world.

That actually explains a lot, she was pretty high on my "Irrational Hatred" list after spearheading the cancellation of Veronica Mars for a Pussycat Dolls reality show.