
I'm not sure if there were any games in the last year that had it as an option for input, but as of last year they stopped including Gamecube backwards compatibility, and hence the controller and memory card ports, in the Wii.

Yes, looking @ the reviews on amazon shows you get steam codes for all of the games. Just don't use the ones you want to give away and give them the code.

I remember one kid tried to make a flamethrower out of a can of spray deodorant. The main problem was that he was trying to use the campfire to light the spray and it was being propelled faster than the flame could travel to the can fortunately. He ended up going through that whole thing and never got it away from the

yeah, but remember movies & TV shows try to be more cinematic with the depictions of things. They also like to show SWAT Teams and military personnel in battle without all of the proper gear, mainly helmets. I see that and think about how easy it is to get a headshot 100m even without throwing a ton of bullets at the

I mainly use my Galaxy nexus for gaming. Nice, big screen, responds well, and games selection has only been getting better as time goes on.

I would have thought I died and went to heaven if these came out when I was a kid. Ninja Turtles and Legos were two of my favorite toys.

Awesome job on the part of the marching band. I know that had to take a lot of work & dedication to get it all just right. Both my girlfriend and myself were quite impressed. =D

The internet has turned us both into snobs. That was my first thought, too. But otherwise I do agree that's fantastic looking.

This doesn't really reflect all of the time I've put into Steam...I don't know exactly when they've implemented counting your time in game because I've put, not recently, many hours into playing all of the HL series.

You're complaining about an additional story that they're throwing out there? It's both not necessary to enjoy AC3 AND not part of the actual storyline.

I ate a McGriddle once...The consistency of the syrup soaked bun made me feel like I was eating vomit. Tasted like what came up a few times when I ate too much for breakfast on a hangover, too.

While I was in Japan I was surprised by the number of comments I received from girls when I met them out somewhere or was on a date. I was told quite frequently how surprised they were that I could use chopsticks correctly.

When you collect stuff uncontrollably and it negatively affects your life, it's called "hoarding." If you do it and it doesn't negatively impact you or anyone else in your life, it's called "being a collector."

Glad to see a Japanese Snacktaku! I can just imagine the smell. Doesn't seem very appetizing to me. I fall in the same boat of hating raw tomatoes, but any other form is fine.

BASHCRAFT-SAN! Why not do a Snacktaku for this instead of reporting on someone else's report? =3

Ugh, no...I swear both phone and cable companies are trying to offer everything; phone, internet, TV, BBQ delivery, dry cleaning...

Was I the only one expecting "Yakety Sax?"

I was actually looking through the comments before I posted up the same thing. Also the corrosion isn't hard to get off the connectors. Pencil erasers actually do a pretty good job of getting it off. Now that I'm older I'd probably use a little CLR or something similar lightly applied to a rag.

Let's get a mash-up of Kotaku East & Snacktaku!

My gf had this problem as well. her fire pistol wouldn't do anything. She switched out to an explosive shotgun and that did the trick.